The Hillsboro Emblem Club met on April 12 with 13 members in attendance. The meeting was conducted in ritualistic form. Reports were given and an article was read about the Civil War which began on April 12, 1861. A report was given on the State Meeting held in Toledo.
The Greenfield Area Ministerial Association will host a National Day of Prayer May 5 at noon at the Greenfield City Building (outside weather permitting; inside if inclement).
The Highland County Democratic Women will hold their annual Basket Bazaar, with a carry-in dinner and auction, on Monday, May 2 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Highland County Administration Building. Meat, drinks and table service will be provided.
The Highland County Extension Support Committee invites the public to enjoy a delicious meal at local restaurants while supporting Highland County 4-H. The following local restaurants are donating a percentage of their sales to support Highland County 4-H and Extension when you mention 4-H.
The Southern Ohio Genealogical Society will offer a free workshop, open to the public, on how to get started in genealogy and how to complete the First and Second Families of Highland County applications.
The Highland County Women’s Diversity Series, Let’s Do Lunch, will take place on Friday, May 6, 2011, 11:30 – 1:00p.m. in the Southern State Community College Atrium in Hillsboro.
“We just want everyone to visit and vote, as often as they can. What Edy's and the Fruit Tree Foundation hope to accomplish is to help communities blossom, one orchard at a time. It can be our community; we can make it happen.”
Ed and Fay Waits will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary May 5, 2011. They have two sons, Jeff and Jayson, and five grandchildren, Tyler, Mayson, Kristen, Sydney, and Klayton.
As the hay supply is almost completely gone, and grass is almost ready, some people are turning cattle out on pasture. Some pastures look pretty good, but use some caution when starting out this spring.
Jim Weaver, the Great Lakes director for the American Radio Relay League, recently presented the Highland Amateur Radio Association a certificate recognizing the 30 years the local club has been an affiliated member of the national organization.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett of Hillsboro are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Shawnna F. Bennett, to Ryan A. Williams of Hillsboro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams of Hillsboro.