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  • HDH collects food for Samaritan Outreach, Our Daily Bread

    More than 550 food items were collected during the month of March, in honor of National Nutrition Month. The Highland District Hospital department  that donated the most food items was Patient Registration with 233 food items.
  • Community Happenings
    Funds sought for
    Veterans Memorial
  • Open meeting for beef producers
    Regardless if you produce beef in the traditional cow/calf operation, market or feed dairy steers, background beef calves, a feedlot, or cull cows from a beef or dairy operation, this meeting should be of some interest to you. The date is Monday, April 11 at Eastern Brown High School in the school cafeteria, starting at 7 p.m. This is a free program, and it is open to the public.
  • Workshop focuses on caregivers
    The Heart of Caregiving: The Emotional and Spiritual Side
        As reported in the news article at the top of this page, a program for caregivers will be presented Saturday, April 9 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Hillsboro First United Methodist Church,133 East Walnut Street in Hillsboro.
  • Judge Coss celebrates 60th birthday
    Highland County Common Pleas Court Judge Rocky Coss celebrated his 60th birthday with court employees during the noon lunch break Wednesday, April 6.
  • Information on Betty Johnson sought
    Genealogy information on Betty Irene Johnson is needed.
  • Deadline extended for quilt and craft applications
    The deadline to submit quilts for display or to reserve a craft booth in the Chatfield College annual Quilt and Craft Show has been extended to April 22.
  • Greenfield Library Link
    Well, not only is spring here, but it's only 50 days till Summer Reading Kick-off. But I don't want to rush things, so let's enjoy the flowers and green grass returning. Spring is one of my four favorite seasons, and to prepare, we have many great spring project books, organizing books and gardening books. You can get lots of new ideas while the ground is drying up and warming up and you're waiting to jump back on that mower. Check it out.
  • Highland Amateur Radio Association welcomes America Radio Relay League Great Lakes Director Dr. Jim Weaver
    The Highland Amateur Radio Association will host America Radio Relay League Great Lakes Director Dr. Jim Weaver as a guest speaker at its April meeting, according to association president Roger Gladdish. The meeting will be held in the basement conference room at the Highland County Administration Building in Hillsboro on Tuesday evening, April 12 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Community Happenings
    Homeless Shelter in need
    of laundry supplies
  • 30th annual Lenten Concert at Hillsboro First UMC
    The choirs of Hillsboro First United Methodist Church will present a concert for Lent on Sunday, April 10 at 4 p.m. Now in its 30th year, the annual concert for Lent is a tradition at Hillsboro First UMC.
  • Prevent grass tetany problems
    This has been an unusual winter with all of the snow early, and now it seems like it rains every other day, making for muddy conditions. Livestock have consumed more than normal amounts of hay, too.
  • US Foods presents food show April 8
    USFoods Food Show coming up April 8
        Join us Friday, April 8 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for a Food Show hosted by US Foods. This is the “big one,” folks.
  • Heartland, Laurels host senior bingo night
    Activities Directors Patty Roades from Heartland of Hillsboro and Kelley Condo from The Laurels of Hillsboro partnered a bingo game for their residents March 24.
  • Caregivers to learn about 'JOY-Spirations' April 9
    Authors and inspirational speakers Annetta Dellinger and Karen Boerger will present "The Heart of Caregiving: The Emotional and Spiritual Side" Saturday, April 9 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Hillsboro First United Methodist Church, located at 133 East Walnut Street in Hillsboro.
  • SATH to hold Walk and Roll-a-Thon fundraiser
    SATH (Supplementary Assistance to the Handicapped) will hold its 13th Annual Walk and Roll-A-Thon on Saturday, April 2 at the Rocky Fork State Park in Hillsboro.
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