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  • Report: Number of attempted attacks on U.S. at all-time high

    CNN News is reporting today that a document from the Department of Homeland Security that says "the number and pace of attempted attacks against the United States over the past nine months have surpassed the number of attempts during any other previous one-year period."
  • Sheriff kicks off "Click It or Ticket" campaign
    Highland County Sheriff Ron Ward announces the kick off to this year's "Click It or Ticket" campaign. The campaign began on May 24 and runs through Memorial Day weekend. Sheriff's deputies will be out in force to encourage safe driving behavior and enforcing seat belt usage.
  • Severe weather sirens tested each month, unless inclement weather in the area
    The Severe Weather Warning Sirens are tested the first Wednesday of every month between noon and 2 p.m., unless there is threatening weather. If there is threatening weather on the test day, the sirens will not be tested; therefore, if you hear sirens, it will be an actual warning.
  • Strickland welcomes $200 Million private investment in USEC to advance Piketon project
    Ohio Governor Ted Strickland today welcomed the announcement that Babcock & Wilcox and Toshiba will each invest $100 million into the USEC American Centrifuge facility in Piketon. This $200 million investment and partnership will strengthen USEC's position in the growing nuclear power industry and assist the project's plans to move forward. USEC expects 8,000 jobs nationwide, 4,000 of which will be in Ohio, when the project secures a federal Department of Energy loan guarantee.
  • Uninvited 'guest' strolls into Danville Pike residence
    This uninvited guest strolled into the garage of Hillsboro resident Jean Head Tuesday morning. Believed to be a common Ohio snapping turtle, it measured approximately one foot in diameter. A similar turtle stopped traffic on U.S. 62 north after the heavy rains Friday.
  • Uninvited 'guest' strolls into Danville Pike residence
    This uninvited guest strolled into the garage of Hillsboro resident Jean Head Tuesday morning. Believed to be a common Ohio snapping turtle, it measured approximately one foot in diameter. A similar turtle stopped traffic on U.S. 62 north after the heavy rains Friday.
  • Rep. Turner seeks unmanned aircraft mission for Air Force Research Laboratory in Wilmington
    Third District Rep. Michael R. Turner has successfully won inclusion of language in the FY11 National Defense Authorization Act to secure support for a potential unmanned aerial vehicle testing range in southwest Ohio.
  • Second ARRA-funded project on tap in Adams County
    CHILLICOTHE - Preliminary operations are under way for a second American Recovery and Reinvestment Act transportation project in Adams County, as contractors for the Ohio Department of Transportation prepare to resurface a portion of County Road 70 near West Union.
  • Area routes affected by high water, debris
    Crews in Highland County are also working on all routes there to assess damages and making necessary repairs. All routes in Highland County remain open; however, motorists will want to exercise caution when traveling through work zones.
  • SR 251 culvert replacement on hold
    With two culvert replacement projects on state Route 251 completed earlier this week, crews from the Ohio Department of Transportation’s Brown County Highway Maintenance Facility will return to the route next week to wrap up their final project.
  • Ohio jobless rate dips to 10.9 percent
    Ohio's unemployment rate was 10.9 percent in April, down slightly from 11.0 percent in March, according to data released this morning by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Ohio’s nonfarm wage and salary employment increased 37,300 over the month, from the revised 5,004,800 in March to 5,042,100 in April.
  • Hills and Dales Training Center welcomes new board member
    Gary Buchanan, new Board member of the Highland County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Culvert replacement begins on SR 247
    CHILLICOTHE - Crews from the Ohio Department of Transportation Highland County Highway Maintenance Facility will undertake a culvert replacement project on state Route 247 next month, requiring a weeklong closure of the route.
  • County may pursue $100,000 grant for airport repairs
    Outgoing Highland County Economic Development Director Dan Cowdrey informed commissioners Wednesday of a $5,500 reimbursement from the Federal Aviation Administration, following an auditor’s report. Cowdrey suggested, and commissioners Gary Heaton, Tom Horst and Shane Wilkin agreed, that if it’s possible, they would like to use the funds toward a grant match that would qualify the county airport for $100,000.
  • State Your Cause ready to Rock on the Range
    State Your Cause, a Columbus-area rock band that includes two Highland County native sons, will perform from noon-12:30 p.m. Sunday, May 23 at this year's Rock on the Range at Columbus Crew Stadium. State Your Cause was formed by bass player Danny Zeid and guitarist Deepan Rajah. They are joined by drummer Matt Young, and the Scott brothers.
  • State Your Cause ready to Rock on the Range
    State Your Cause, a Columbus-area rock band that includes two Highland County native sons, will perform from noon-12:30 p.m. Sunday, May 23 at this year's Rock on the Range at Columbus Crew Stadium. State Your Cause was formed by bass player Danny Zeid and guitarist Deepan Rajah. They are joined by drummer Matt Young, and the Scott brothers.
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