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  • Ohio jobless rate dips to 10.9 percent

    Ohio's unemployment rate was 10.9 percent in April, down slightly from 11.0 percent in March, according to data released this morning by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Ohio’s nonfarm wage and salary employment increased 37,300 over the month, from the revised 5,004,800 in March to 5,042,100 in April.
  • Hills and Dales Training Center welcomes new board member
    Gary Buchanan, new Board member of the Highland County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Culvert replacement begins on SR 247
    CHILLICOTHE - Crews from the Ohio Department of Transportation Highland County Highway Maintenance Facility will undertake a culvert replacement project on state Route 247 next month, requiring a weeklong closure of the route.
  • County may pursue $100,000 grant for airport repairs
    Outgoing Highland County Economic Development Director Dan Cowdrey informed commissioners Wednesday of a $5,500 reimbursement from the Federal Aviation Administration, following an auditor’s report. Cowdrey suggested, and commissioners Gary Heaton, Tom Horst and Shane Wilkin agreed, that if it’s possible, they would like to use the funds toward a grant match that would qualify the county airport for $100,000.
  • State Your Cause ready to Rock on the Range
    State Your Cause, a Columbus-area rock band that includes two Highland County native sons, will perform from noon-12:30 p.m. Sunday, May 23 at this year's Rock on the Range at Columbus Crew Stadium. State Your Cause was formed by bass player Danny Zeid and guitarist Deepan Rajah. They are joined by drummer Matt Young, and the Scott brothers.
  • State Your Cause ready to Rock on the Range
    State Your Cause, a Columbus-area rock band that includes two Highland County native sons, will perform from noon-12:30 p.m. Sunday, May 23 at this year's Rock on the Range at Columbus Crew Stadium. State Your Cause was formed by bass player Danny Zeid and guitarist Deepan Rajah. They are joined by drummer Matt Young, and the Scott brothers.
  • Ohioans demonstrate Pedal Power during Bike to Work Week
     COLUMBUS - Joining the four-million bicycle owners in Ohio who are demonstrating the ‘pedal power’ of active biking, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is teaming up with local communities across the state in recognizing Bike to Work Week (May 17-21).
  • Mowrystown FFA attends state convention
    The State FFA Convention took place April 30-May 1. Nineteen Mowrystown FFA members and four chaperones attended. They were well represented with Brian Simmons, Monica Palmer, Amber Thompson, Ashley Frazer, and Ashley Crone participating in the State FFA Band.
  • Commissioners proclaim Peace Officers Memorial Day
    Dr. Charles Guarino, superintendent of the Southern Hills Joint Vocational School, updated the Highland County Board of Commissioners on the school facilities and services at Wednesday’s meeting. Guarino discussed previous building renovations, including a number of exterior problems that were discovered after the original construction.
  • Commissioners proclaim Peace Officers Memorial Day
    Dr. Charles Guarino, superintendent of the Southern Hills Joint Vocational School, updated the Highland County Board of Commissioners on the school facilities and services at Wednesday’s meeting. Guarino discussed previous building renovations, including a number of exterior problems that were discovered after the original construction.
  • Governor calls for legislative action on job-creating initiatives
    Ohio Governor Ted Strickland has outlined priority legislation for the Ohio General Assembly to carefully consider while in session for the next several weeks.
  • ATSG reports results for first quarter 2010
    Air Transport Services Group, Inc. has reported financial results for its first quarter ended March 31, 2010, as compared with results for the first quarter of 2009.
  • Executives of bankrupt newspaper company seek to purchase Brown's assets
    Some of the properties owned by the bankrupt Brown Publishing, which owns two Highland County publications, The Times-Gazette and the County Shopper, may end up with familiar ownership. Under the headline, "Inside job," The Post and Courier of Charleston, S.C. reports on its website, "Previously unidentified, the bidder seeking to buy most of the assets of {Brown} knows exactly what it's getting into. The group is made up of three top executives from the current owner, Ohio-based Brown Publishing Co., which sought bankruptcy protection late last month."
  • Memorial scholarship benefit May 15 in honor of Zachary Gullett
    It has been three years since a community lined the streets of Hillsboro to welcome home a fallen hometown hero. Since then, a day has not gone by that the family of PFC Zachary R. Gullett doesn’t think about him and his sacrifice he made for his country.
  • Brown County emergency repairs remain in effect
    CHILLICOTHE - Work will continue through next week on state Route 505 in Brown County following a slip that occurred during last weekend’s rain storms.
  • U.S.68/S.R. 32 ramp reopens May 5
    CHILLICOTHE – After only five weeks on a resurfacing job in Brown County, contractors for the Ohio Department of Transportation – District 9 have expedited their efforts and will reopen the on-ramp from U.S. 68 to state Route 32 West later this evening.
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