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  • May 25 is National Missing Children's Day

    If you would like to join the National Child Watch Team, call me or send me an email. If you would like a report of the 25 ways to make kids safer, I will send you more information. This is a growing concern everywhere; the last time I looked up the registered sexual predators in this county, there were over 100.
  • Getting to a number for EMS and Fire service
    We have $305.36 per township resident vs. $162.27 per city resident per call/incident. Now, keep in mind, this is with the $22 per-person contract. The townships are now offering $30. So ask yourself, who is subsidizing who?
  • Stop arguing and solve the Fire/EMS problem
    We cannot change the past – we cannot predict the future – we can act responsively now. Venus does talk to Mars. No one has to win the argument, we just need to solve the problem.
  • Why I support Sen. Sherrod Brown
    Senator Brown has demonstrated consistent strong support for veterans and military families throughout his career. Mr. Mandel is, at best, an unknown.
  • An open letter to the citizens of Jackson Township
    If you want to join a township fire district (Mowrystown, for example), please let our trustees know that. If you want to join the new district the city thinks it can form, please let our trustees know that. Whatever your opinion is in this matter, PLEASE contact our trustees now and let them know what you think should be done. They want to hear from you because they are trying to do something for your benefit. Please help them.
  • Under the Obama Administration, bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive
    When President Obama took office the stock market stood at just over 8,000 and now is over 13,000. This is over a 50% increase since President Obama took office. These numbers certainly show how ridiculous all the socialist and communist talk is.
  • St. Mary Catholic School dinner, auction a success
    On April 24, St. Mary Catholic School in Hillsboro held its first spaghetti dinner and quarter auction. We would like to thank the many supporters who donated their time and auction items and the many area businesses and independent vendors who generously donated merchandise for the auction. We had a great turnout, and everyone enjoyed the evening.
  • HCS thanks volunteers for kindergarten registration assistance
    My staff at the Hillsboro City Schools Early Childhood Center and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the many volunteers who donated their time to work at the annual kindergarten registration held April 11.
  • PFC Zachary Gullett scholarship dinner May 19
    We are asking for items to be donated for an auction. We plan to make themed baskets with the donated items and then hold a silent auction to benefit the scholarship trust the evening of the benefit dinner, which will be from 4-8 p.m. Saturday, May 19 at the Hillsboro VFW Post 9094.
  • Fairfield parent speaks out on coaching issues
    Yesterday, I read the story about the hiring of Coach Everett Snyder and found it difficult to comprehend that once again, the Leesburg community has decided they are unhappy with a coach.
  • Sams family grateful for support
    We would like to thank the businesses and individuals for their generous support of the benefit. We also would like to thank the committee for all their hard work involved with planning this event and making it a huge success. We are so thankful, and your generosity will help with Josh's long recovery. Thanks so much.
  • Local officials should acknowledge Sunshine Week
    In light of the upcoming elections and the ongoing concerns on the behalf of involved citizens, I believe that Sunshine Week would be an excellent opportunity for local elected officials to raise public awareness to issues of open and honest government.
  • When will investigation of teacher conclude?
    This is an open letter to the Hillsboro City Schools Board of Education, community, principals of Hillsboro High School and Hillsboro Middle School, and Ohio Department of Education.
  • Hillsboro man thankful for prayers for injured granddaughter
    On Feb. 27, I received a telephone call from my son, Mel, in Madison, Wisc. at 7:05 a.m. When I heard Mel's voice, I knew that something was wrong. Mel told me that his daughter Michaelia, age 20, had been injured in a skiing accident and that she was in a coma. He told me that he wanted me to start a prayer chain. 
  • Stop unwanted political phone calls
    As one of your potential, future bosses, I trust you will value my opinion on what constitutes considerate phone conduct. I do not call your home uninvited with commercials, so please don't think you're that important to have some machine call me uninvited.
  • DeWine urges support for Santorum
    Rick Santorum has run this campaign based on what matters – on the issues and on his vision for our future. He is giving the American people a reason to vote for him – a reason to hope and a reason to believe that America will be better.  
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