Thanks to utility workers for restoring services
To the editor:
A huge “Thank You” and High-5 to the power company employees, and any linemen from government groups who once again rescued the community from a natural calamity.
Without your training, skill, dedication, and courage, nothing we desperately needed could be delivered. No light, no refrigeration, no A/C, no medical help, no food, no fuel, no cash, little communication and little water can be delivered until you real heroes work your daring magic.
About a third of my career was spent managing private-sector response to an assortment of natural festivities – 30-some hurricanes, tornados, statewide floods, counties full of forest fires, and one homeowners’ association meeting.
I guarantee that the private-sector power company employees were always the true heroes. They are always the hardest-working, the most dependable, the most skilled, the gutsiest, the best-trained, easiest to work with, the most professional and skilled people on the ground in every wide-scale natural emergency everywhere, every time. No Exceptions.
I’ve seen them drive power trucks through bad weather from Michigan to Louisiana and then immediately put in a full workday simply because that was what was needed. And these private-sector Aces are never the ones using their workdays to preen for the newswomen and their cameras.
God bless you, folks.
Jim Moore
Jackson Township
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