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Obama the epitome of the American dream


To the editor:

I simply do not understand the vitriol aimed at President Obama. He plays golf and basketball, has an old-fashioned family life and is happily married with two kids.

He's just like any other American man, yet he continues to be the target of the most bizarre obsessive fantasies this side of the X Files.

A significant number of those who oppose him just refuse to accept that he is a relatively moderate politician that borders on boring in his tastes and his interests.

Three and a half years into his presidency and our commander in chief has been accused of being a Muslim and, by the same people, an atheist who is waging war on religion.

One day it's "the government can't create jobs" the next day, it's "Where are all the jobs he promised?"

Some say he has a Kenyan anti-colonial worldview, some say he's an over-educated elitist. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, some continue to claim he is a non-citizen.

Yes, I'm aware that there were those who called George W. Bush a lot of things, too.

I know that the economy is not improving as quickly as we all would like, but it is improving. According to the BLS website, during the 12 months prior to him taking office, America lost 3,603,000 jobs. In the past 12 months, 1,838,000 jobs have been created.

On Jan. 2, 2008, the Dow was at 13,043. It closed on Dec. 31, 2008 at 8,776 and finally bottomed out the first week in March 2009. It has been climbing steadily since then and hasn't been under 10,000 in over two years. It sits at 13,117 as I type. If our president is a socialist, he is a very poor one.

He is proof positive that any American can become president by working hard and getting a good education, even the half-black son of a single mother whose father was a Kenyan Muslim. We should all be proud of this man and especially our country for electing him. He is the epitome of the American dream.

John Tallieu


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