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  • MHS class of '55 seeks donations, fellowship

    The Edward Lee McClain High School Class of 1955 is contemplating making a significant contribution to the school that would memorialize our class. At this specific time, nothing has been decided. Although a few suggestions have been presented, we would greatly appreciate your participation and suggestions.
  • Remembering our veterans
    We hope that today's Veterans Day affords you a chance to say thank you to someone who may have served, or is serving now.
  • It wasn't the messenger, it was the message
    I’m convinced that the Republicans really believe that most Americans are only interested in how much money they can make and ensuring everyone plays by the rules they have decided are the important ones.
  • Jackson Township trustees urged to sign with SHJFD
    Signing with Mowrystown is the only choice that even makes sense for Jackson Township. We should have signed with them a year ago.
  • A political ad that should be backfiring

    What the ad fails to point out is that all these countries might be considered socialist states by U.S. standards. All have some form of public health care, etc., and even Singapore, the most conservative, has free health care for the poor. Instead of making the point that liberalism is the death of economic competitiveness, the ad actually does just the opposite.

  • Reasons to support Sen. Sherrod Brown
    Sherrod Brown has a better grasp of what drives Ohio's economy, evidenced by his understanding of the ramifications of letting the auto industry go bankrupt. Auto-related jobs in Ohio have increased by 6.1 percent, or 11,100 jobs, since 2009 because of Sherrod Brown's actions, and he's led the fight against China's illegal currency manipulation, which is costing Ohio jobs.
  • Would JFK or FDR recognize today's party?
    Today’s Democrat Party is even less the party of old than the one that existed when I was a kid. It has become something most JFK and Roosevelt Democrats would not recognize.
  • Remember 2009 when gas was less than $2 a gallon?
    I can give two examples of the vast difference between these two candidates. A vote for Romney would mean a big decrease in gas and electric costs, while a vote for Obama would mean a continued rise in the cost of gas and electricity.
  • Many like socialism more than they will admit

    The funny thing is, when you put the labels aside and start drilling down on the individual issues, most people are a lot more agreeable to socialism than they want to admit.

  • Romney only cares about the very wealthy
    Mitt Romney currently owns $8 million worth of Bain funds which includes 51 percent of a company called Sensata. Sensata is being forced by Bain to close a plant in Freeport, Ill. and move it to China.
  • 'The Hillsboro Story'

    I would like to thank everyone who went to see "The Hillsboro Story" at Southern State Community College on Sept. 28. This was performed by Susan Banyas and her fellow performers. I, like many others, have lived "The Hillsboro Story."

  • Child Protective Services plans annual Christmas Drive
    Once again, Highland County Department of Job & Family Services – Child Protective Services (formerly Children Services) is planning our annual Christmas Drive to match sponsors with children and families for whom the agency is currently providing services.
  • Commissioner's 'misstatement' on public property warrants scrutiny

    During the forum, Mr. Horst alluded to a policy which "bans the use of grills, tables, and tents on the courthouse lawn." However, when questioned in the most recent commissioners' meeting, it was revealed that no such policy exists – at least not in written form – nor has any such policy been voted upon by the commissioners.

  • Many deserve credit for uptown beautification
    I see where Tom and I were nominated as Citizens of the Week by Ellen Pennington for taking care of the uptown flowers. We sincerely appreciate the nomination, but we are just a small part of the beautification of the uptown. Tom and I are just the helpers.
  • Trustee thanks HFD, city council
    I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Hillsboro Fire Department for their many years of outstanding service to Washington Township residents. I also would like to thank Hillsboro City Council for trying to work on a contract extension for the township’s fire and EMS coverage.
  • Make an informed decision on election day
    WVNU Radio (97.5 FM) will be broadcasting the 2012 AAUW Candidates Forum on Oct. 8 at Southern State Community College. Go to the forum or listen to the broadcast, meet the candidates, listen to the issues, and make an informed and educated vote when you step up to the voting machine.
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