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  • Dale Ison's 'Hero Truck' gets rave reviews at World of Wheels

    Dale Ison's "Hero Truck" was one of the most popular vehicles on display this past weekend at the World of Wheels at the Abilene, Texas Civic Center.
  • Record-setting buck from Highland County has official scoring
    The Ohio Division of Wildlife held the official scoring session for the Stephens Buck, shot in Highland County on Nov. 30 by Clayton, Ohio resident Brian Stephens. The non-typical rack measured 250 1/8 inches gross, 232 5/8 inches net.
  • Turner hands Geithner another 30 questions investigating treasury's role in reducing Delphi salaried retirees' pensions
               Congressman Michael Turner (R-Ohio-3) <;  today presented Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with an additional 30 questions examining the Treasury Department's involvement in the decision to cut Delphi salaried retirees' pension plans.  Congressman Turner handed Secretary Geithner the additional questions prior to this morning's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
  • OVRDC to hold meeting Feb. 10
    The Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission (OVRDC) is holding its annual county caucus reorganization meeting for Highland County on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2010 at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners Office of the Highland County Administration Building. Major items on the agenda of this meeting, which is open to the public, include: review and revise caucus membership, selection of a caucus chair and executive committee member, and selection of a project review committee member.
  • Turner questions Treasury Secretary Geither on department's role in cutting Delphi salaried retirees' pensions
    Congressman Michael Turner (R-Ohio-3) <;  today announced he has submitted questions to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geither investigating the Treasury Department's involvement in the decision to cut Delphi salaried retirees' pension plans.Congressman Turner submitted the questions in advance of Secretary Geither's scheduled testimony on Wednesday, January 27 before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
  • From 4-H projects, to 'Project Runway'
    Local model Alison Gingerich has earned the opportunity of a lifetime, modeling new designs on “Project Runway,” the number one cable reality program of 2009, and competing on its sister program “Models of the Runway.”
        Alison Gingerich, the daughter of Norman and Susan Gingerich, was raised in Leesburg, along with her brother, Robin. Gingerich’s father, a retired teacher of the Greenfield school district, and her mother, who holds a doctorate in early childhood education, homeschooled Gingerich, who was involved in a number of extracurricular activities in the area.
  • Time running out for communities to apply for bike and pedestrian funding
    Time is running out for many local communities across the state to partner with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) on future projects aimed at better access for bicycle users and pedestrians.
  • Free proposal writing seminar to be held at Adena
    Interested in applying for an Adena Health Foundation Community Health Partners Grant?  Want to learn more about the process?
  • CCI, OCSEA donate to Adena Health System
    Chillicothe Correctional Institution (CCI) and the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA)/AFSCME Local 11 Adena Chapter 7120 joined forces recently to give back to the local community through the Adena Health Foundation.  After participating in a Teddy Bear run with the Moose Riders, Darrel Creager and Jackie Arbaugh, CCI Account Clerk, decided to organize fundraising efforts for Adena Pediatrics by collecting pop tabs.
  • Texas man walking across U.S. with message for Christianity
    Calling his mission “a publicity stunt for God,” 38-year-old Daniel Johnson said he is hiking from Maine to California to spread the Gospel.
  • Highland announces conservation funding
     Over $11 million in financial assistance is available to Ohio agricultural producers to apply conservation practices on their farms through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). To be considered for the first round of funding selections, farmers must apply at the Highland Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office by Feb. 16.  EQIP is offered through a continuous sign-up, but NRCS periodically makes funding selections as program dollars allow.
  • Adena Seminar Features Live Surgery Presentation
    Certified Athletic Trainers and students in the field had a very unique method of learning at a recent seminar held at Adena Medical Center's PACCAR Medical Education Center.  The use of a live video feed during sports-injury related procedures provided attendees with the opportunity to witness surgery as it happens.
  • Hillsboro Police Reports
    The following incidents have been reported by the Hillsboro Police Department, Nick Thompson, chief of police.
  • Reimbursements an issue for HMG
    Highland County Auditor Bill Fawley met with county commissioners Shane Wilkin, Gary Heaton and Tom Horst Wednesday for a review of the Help Me Grow budget and pending administrative changes in the program.
  • Highland County Board of Realtors makes donation to Samaritan Outreach
    The Highland County Board of Realtors helped Samaritan Outreach Services start off the New Year with a donation.  All Highland County Realtors want to thank the staff and volunteers of SOS for serving those in need in our area.
  • SSCC financial aid workshops offered in January
          In recognition of Financial Aid Awareness Month, Southern State Community College will host several financial aid workshops to assist families with filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
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