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  • HCCS helps recovery efforts in Haiti

    The Highland County Christian School fifth- and sixth-grade classes participated in a bake sale fundraiser on Tuesday.
  • HCCS helps recovery efforts in Haiti
    The Highland County Christian School fifth- and sixth-grade classes participated in a bake sale fundraiser on Tuesday.
  • Buckskin Elementary students honored
    The December students of the month from Buckskin were:   Bailey Simmons, Ashton Montgomery, Kendall Pollard, Veroni
  • Buckskin Elementary announces students of the month
    The December students of the month from Buckskin were:   Eric Anderson, Hannah Knisley, Kaylin Harris, Beka Baker, Janie Brigner, Lucas Barr, Austin Bennett and Reece Schluep. They were treated to lunch at McDonald's with the principal, Mr. Shumate.
  • Wilmington College announces Academic Honors List for fall '09 semester
    A number of area residents have been named to the Wilmington College Academic Merit List following the 2009 fall semester. The Academic Merit List recognizes those students, enrolled six to 11 hours, who earn at least a 3.6 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. Wilmington College, a career-oriented liberal arts institution affiliated with the Society of Friends (Quakers), is located in southwestern Ohio, approximately one hour from Cincinnati, Columbus and Dayton. Two branches in Cincinnati serve a large number of non-traditional students. Additional information may be obtained at
  • Zink visits Catholic school
    On Thursday, Jan. 21, Mayor Zink presented St. Mary's Catholic School with a proclamation for Catholic Schools Week, Jan. 31-Feb. 6.Pictured from left to right are: Linda Bradford, Kim O'Brien, Carrie Wilson, Megan Wagoner, Mary Stanforth, Mayor Zink, Becci Penker, Karen Trout and Ashley Bohl. Absent from the picture was Kim Conlon.
  • $20,000 scholarship announced by Bagshaw Enterprises, Inc.
    In collaboration with the Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation and the National Colonel’s Scholars program, Bagshaw Enterprises, a local KFC franchisee, is sponsoring a $20,000 ($5,000 per year for four years) scholarship for a 2010 graduating high school senior.  The scholarship is guaranteed to be awarded to a senior residing in one the following counties: Brown, Butler, Clinton, Fayette, Franklin, Hancock, Highland, Jackson, Montgomery, Ottawa, Pickaway, Ross, Sandusky, Scioto, Shelby, Union, Warren, and Wood, located in Ohio, and Boone and Kenton, located in Kentucky.  Selection will be based primarily on the financial need, perseverance, and entrepreneurial spirit of the candidate.
  • St. Mary's students "caught doing good"
    Students "caught" doing good at St. Mary Catholic School are Jayse Middleton, Kevin Raisch, Mallory Parsons, Paige Loudin, and Jack Kuntz. They will be treated to lunch with Mrs. Stanforth, the Principal. Congratulations boys and girls!
  • SSCC changes registration date for spring quarter
    SSCC has changed the dates for Spring Term Early Registration.  It will be February 23rd instead of the 16th.
  • Hillsboro & Lynchburg FFA members excel at the Big E
    Pictured Left to Right: Andy Winkle, Lynchburg-Clay FFA 1st in Dairy Handlers Contest;  Kelsey Sheeley, Hillsboro FFA 4t
  • Fairfield Local Schools hold organizational meeting Jan. 11
  • Guest speaker to discuss genealogy at SSCC South Campus
    Interested in learning more about your family history? Guest speaker Amy Werring will discuss "Beginning Genealogy" at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 21, in the Learning Resources Center on Southern State Community College's South Campus, 12681 U.S. Route 62, Sardinia. Werring is a member of the South Campus LRC staff.
  • SSCC respiratory care program honors 2009 graduates
    Southern State Community College's third graduating class in the respiratory care program was honored during a ceremony held Dec. 12, 2009. The program, which began in 2005, graduated its first class in 2007.
  • Lynchburg-Clay Middle School to introduce Olweus Bullying Prevention system Jan. 14
    Lynchburg-Clay Middle School will be hosting their Olweus Bullying Prevention Program kick-off event on Thursday, Jan. 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the middle school gymnasium.
  • Grand prize awarded in SSCC's Wimba Pronto contest
    Amanda Anderson of Hillsboro was the winner of the grand prize drawing in Southern State Community College’s Wimba Pronto contest. Anderson was awarded a free winter quarter class at Southern State.
  • HHS sophomores receive leadership honors
    Each year, public and private high schools across the country select outstanding sophomores to attend one of the more than 80 Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership seminars (HOBY) held throughout the country. The Hillsboro Lion’s Club sponsors the HHS sophomore who will attend the HOBY seminar at Denison University in May.
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