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  • AAUW, Altrusa gear up for annual book sale

    The Hillsboro area branch of the American Association of University Women and Altrusa are preparing for the annual Book Sale.
  • Prudential Chambers Realty holds annual open house, cookout
    Chambers Realty is holding their annual open house and get-together Friday, Sept. 30 at their 216 North High Street location in Hillsboro.
  • Prudential Chambers Realty holds annual open house, cookout
    Chambers Realty is holding their annual open house and get-together Friday, Sept. 30 at their 216 North High Street location in Hillsboro.
  • Maintaining a healthy herd
    Where did summer go?
        It is hard to believe that swimming pools are closed up for the year, most of the tobacco is in the barn, soybeans are starting to turn and corn is being chopped for silage on some farms.
  • Highland County Senior Center happenings
    There are big things happening at the Highland County Senior Center. Special fundraisers and activities are scheduled for October, November and December. All are welcome to attend the following events:
  • McClain class of 1986 to hold 25-year reunion
    The McClain High School Class of 1986 will be holding their 25-year reunion the weekend of Greenfield’s Homecoming. On Friday, Oct. 14, the class will meet at the Homecoming football game at 7 p.m. then enjoy a bonfire after the game at an alumni home.
  • Cutting Crew presents Beauty Week gift basket
    Beverly Durst's Cutting Crew staff participated in the recent Beauty Week event held Sept. 15-21 at the Peebles department store in Hillsboro. During the event, the Cutting Crew held a raffle for a gift basket, which was won by Nancy Scott.
  • Real Living Classic welcomes Bryan Smith
    Real Living Classic welcomes Bryan Smith to the Hillsboro real estate firm. Smith is newly licensed and recently graduated from Southern State Community College with an associates’ dDegree in business, with a concentration in real estate.
  • Cape May sponsors music celebration Oct. 8
    Cape May Retirement Village and Wilmington College will be holding the second annual Church Music celebration on Saturday, Oct. 8 at The Boyd Cultural Arts Center at 7 p.m. The community is invited to join us for a night filled with song and praise.
  • TEA Party hosts Board of Elections staff at Oct. 3 meeting
    The Oct. 3, meeting of the Highland County TEA Party will be held at the Hi-TEC Center, 1575 North High Street, in Hillsboro. The business meeting will be at 7 p.m., followed by a presentation at 8 p.m. by members of the Highland County Board of Elections.
  • AAA District 7 participates in hunger summit Oct. 7
    In order to help decision makers in our community understand the devastation caused by hunger and poverty, a Hunger Summit will be held locally to focus on ways the hunger issue can be reduced in Adams, Brown and Highland Counties. The event will be held on Friday, October 7 at 9:00 am at the South Campus of the Southern Community College, located at 12681 US Route 62 in Sardinia, Ohio.
  • SSCC supporting uptown Hillsboro trick-or-treat event
    For the past nine years, the Central Campus of Southern State Community College has played to host to hundreds of little “boos” and “ghouls” during the annual Safe Trick-or-Treat event.
  • Real Living Classic welcomes Andrea Tipton
    Real Living Classic is pleased to announce that Andrea Tipton has joined the Classic team. Andrea is newly licensed and received her real estate education at Southern State Community College.
  • Real Living Classic associates attend OAR Convention
    Real Living Classic Associates Randall A. Butler and Jenny M. Cameron attended the 101st annual Convention of the Ohio Association of REALTORS (OAR), Sep. 11-14 in Columbus. 
    The OAR has more than 29,000 members, and is the largest professional trade association in Ohio.
  • Hamilton featured at SSCC's meet-the-artist event
    Local photographer Rachael Hamilton will be the featured guest for a Meet-the-Artists event 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011, in the Learning Resources Center (LRC) on Southern State Community College’s South Campus, 12681 U.S. Route 62, near Sardinia. The event is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served.
  • Drew Hastings brings his Farmageddon Tour to Murphy Theatre

    Comedian Drew Hastings, who is known for his appearances on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno and his one-hour Comedy Central special, "Irked and Miffed," is bringing his talent to the Murphy Theater in Wilmington Oct. 15.
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