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  • Greenfield Library Link: Spring events planned for May

    Spring is an exciting time at the library. We're planning for Summer Reading Adventure and all the fun summer programs that are coming. The summer theme is "One World …­ Many Stories." We'll be "traveling" throughout the world to find stories and fun things to do. Be watching for great upcoming events.
  • Hillsboro Eagles conducts 2nd Poker Run for Hospice of Hope
    Eagles Riders of the Hillsboro Eagles Aerie 1161 conducted a Poker Run with proceeds benefiting Hospice of Hope Ohio Valley. 30-35 bikers participated in the event.
  • Dakota's Roadhouse sponsors Easter coloring contest
    Dakota's Roadhouse in Hillsboro recently hosted an Easter coloring contest.
  • Diabetes patient to speak on taking control of the disease
    Joann Henderson-Collins will be speaking at the Highland District Hospital boardroom on Tuesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. to share her personal experience with living with diabetes.
  • St. Mary students participate in Crowning of the Blessed Virgin
    Students at St. Mary Catholic School participated in the May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin before Mass on Tuesday. Students pictured are Sevrin Florek, Isabella Krusling, Quinn Conlon, and Brennen Priest.
  • John Conlee coming to Red Barn in Winchester
    John Conlee is a lot like the songs of which he sings. During the past two decades, Conlee has achieved a level of success that he has sustained by simply being himself and by making records that the listening public can relate to.
  • Adena program helps children lose weight
    CHILLICOTHE - Is your child worried about his or her weight? Are you worried about your child’s weight?
    Because weight can play a huge factor in the health of young people, and how they are treated by others, Adena Health System is offering a special program designed for children who are searching for healthy ways to shed pounds.

  • Magic Waters opens season with 'Maggie in Magic Land'
    Rehearsals began this week for Magic Waters Theater's "Maggie in Magic Land"  which will play on June 10,11,17,18, 24 , and 25.
    Written by Janny Brizius, this opening play includes a full-scale stage magic show, also history  and folk lore of the area where Magic Waters is located, all set in a child's fantasy.

  • Gaslight Theater Players hold dinner theater
    Back by popular demand the Gaslight Theater Players present Love Rides the Rails. If you did not get to see it last year, there will two different  performance locations this year.
  • Premier Showmen 4-H club holds meeting
    On Sunday, March 27, 2011, Premier Showmen 4-H Club held their meeting at the 4-H Food Booth. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ethan and Kaylee led us in the 4-H Pledge.
  • AAUW scholarships available
    The American Association of University Women (AAUW) will sponsor scholarships for non-traditional female students.
  • Hickory Bend suggests delaying visits
    Hickory Bend Water Gardens and More is located at 3324 Panhandle Road, Lynchburg, Ohio 45142. Turn right on Panhandle Rd (the only option) off State Rt, 134 just north of Lynchburg and go 1.5 miles, Watch for the sign on the right just around the first bend.
  • CHECK IT OUT: Leesburg Library prepares for summer reading program
    We hope you will stop by to visit us at the Leesburg Library during May as we begin our preparations for another fun-filled summer reading program.
  • DIY Assistance: 'How do I refinish existing woodwork?'
    If you have some very basic tools and you are willing and able to invest a good bit of sweat equity, this is a good way to improve upon the look of your home without spending a fortune to hire an expensive trim carpenter.
  • 'Stamp Out Hunger' sponsors pin their hopes on record 2011 food drive
    Feeding America, USPS, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), the National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA) and Campbell Soup Company will be joined by entertainer and entrepreneur Nick Cannon in the annual food drive to "Stamp Out Hunger" Saturday, May 14.
  • AAA7 and SOMC partnership "bridges" the discharge process for older adults
    After a hospital stay from a brief or extended illness, surgery, or injury, patients often look forward to going home for recuperation around familiar things and comfortable surroundings. For some older adults, the thought of going home might be accompanied sometimes with unsettling feelings. Individuals may require assistance upon their return home in order to continue with their recuperation and extended care and might feel scared or concerned once they are removed from the hospital care environment.
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