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  • ODOT announces TRAC meeting

    COLUMBUS - The Ohio Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) will hold a series of working sessions, beginning Friday, November 19, at 9:00 a.m. at the Ohio Department of Transportation¹s (ODOT) Central Office in Columbus. This will be a voting session to approve minutes of the previous meeting.
  • SSCC Theatre presents 'Dracula' Nov. 19-21
    “I want your fear. For your fear, like a current, rushes through your body. Your fear makes your heart pound, it renders your veins rich and full. Your fear hemorrhages deliciously within you,” so the Count explains to one of his earliest victims in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula,” adapted by Steven Dietz.
  • With low temperatures in the 30s, ODOT preps for winter WATCH THE VIDEO
    Though snow is not in the forecast, according to the National Weather Service, for at least the next 10 days, near-freezing temperatures and heavy rains could make for some slick conditions on area roadways.
     The Ohio Department of Transportation District 9, which serves Highland County, recently went inspected its vehicles in order to be prepared for when inclement winter weather finally hits.
     Nighttime lows are forecast to be in the 30s, so ODOT recommends that when there is "ice and snow, take it slow."
  • SSCC receives positive report from Higher Learning Commission
    Southern State Community College has received a favorable report from the Ohio Learning Commission regarding assessment and program review monitoring.
     The HLC said that, following a monitoring report submitted by the college "demonstrating the full implementation of assessment of student learning and comprehensive program reviews, "no further reports are needed."
  • Appeals court upholds conviction of woman who threw bleach at officers
    Ohio's Fourth District Court of Appeals has upheld the convictions of a Hillsboro woman charged with throwing bleach in the face of officers with the Highland County Sheriff's Office.
     According to the court's opinion published online last week, a jury in Highland County, in November 2009, had found Iva Browning guilty of two counts of attempted felonious assault on a peace officer.
  • Toys for Tots campaign under way
    As the holiday season draws near, the local U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Coordinator, James Anthony "Tony" Keltz, Sr., is gearing up for this year's Toys for Tots campaign.
  • Fifth Third gives to HDH Foundation
    Fifth Third Bank representatives presented a check to Jim Baer, Highland District Hospital CEO, and Cathy Jones, director of HDH Foundation.
  • Taylor Family Hair Care opens in Greenfield
    Taylor Family Hair Care, 1460 Jefferson Street, Suite C in Greenfield, is a full-service, family oriented barbershop and hair salon, open six days a week for your convenience.
  • Missing Ohio teen found in Mount Vernon; search for others continues
    The 13-year-old daughter of a missing Ohio woman was found Sunday, Nov.14, gagged and bound in the basement of a Mount Vernon, Ohio, home. Tina Herrmann, 32, remains missing, along with her 10-year-old son, and her 41-year-old friend, Stephanie Sprang.
  • Ohioans can apply for food, cash and medical assistance online
    Applying for food, cash and medical assistance just got easier, thanks to a new Web site that allows Ohioans to apply for benefits wherever they can access a Web connection, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) announced this week.
  • State of Ohio to hold Nov. 20 auction for excess equipment
    Auction items also include computer and other electronic equipment and office furniture. Other items include a wide variety of miscellaneous items, such as clothing, utility tools, push mowers, paper shredders, commercial dryers and barber chairs.
  • Townships considering options, including private ambulance service
    Responsibly providing fire and ambulance services at a cost taxpayers can afford is a burden that officials in Hamer, Liberty, Jackson, Paint, Penn, New Market and Washington townships are struggling with.
     As contract negotiations continue between the townships and the city of Hillsboro for sustaining the current fire and EMS coverage, the townships have said they are examining all options available to them, and are trying to find a way to provide quality services for the protection of their constituents at a cost that is within their means.
  • Courthouse renovation set to begin
    Renovation work is set to begin as early as Monday, Nov. 15 on the Highland County Courthouse. The Highland County Board of Commissioners has entered into a $23,000 contract with Industrial First, Inc., for a number of exterior repairs to Ohio’s oldest courthouse in continuous use. Weather permitting, workers from Industrial First will start Nov. 15. Equipment for the project is expected to be on site by Friday, Nov. 12.
  • Veterans memorial unveiled in Leesburg
    The village of Leesburg unveiled its veterans memorial Nov. 11, in honor of Veterans Day. Mayor Jim Cook, who co-chaired the memorial committee along with Charles Newland, said the village worked together to raise the more than $125,000 it took to make the memorial a reality.
  • Veterans memorial unveiled in Leesburg
    The village of Leesburg unveiled its veterans memorial Nov. 11, in honor of Veterans Day. Mayor Jim Cook, who co-chaired the memorial committee along with Charles Newland, said the village worked together to raise the more than $125,000 it took to make the memorial a reality.
  • Court issues order on Coonrod defense costs
    A fire investigation agency that performed testing and other investigatory work for the defense in the Wesley Coonrod trial asked that Highland County Common Pleas Court pay $30,000 more for their work than the court initially approved.
           According to a court entry issued Wednesday by Highland County Common Pleas Court Judge Rocky Coss, $13,000 had been approved for compensation prior to the start of trial.
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