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  • Ohio retirees group reacts to State of the Union Address

    Ohio workers and retirees are disappointed that Social Security has been proffered as point of negotiation to raise the debt ceiling and that some see it as a wedge issue to pander to their political base. As retirees concerned for the future of our children and grandchildren, we have lived through tiered wage structures and know the negative effects proposed tiered Social Security would have on younger workers as they reach retirement without a sustainable income floor.
  • Greenfield Area Christian Center thankful for assistance
    The Greenfield Area Christian Center wants to say a big thank you for the donations of both cash and food for the Christmas baskets/vouchers.
  • Do Kasich supporters have voter's remorse?
    I am writing to all those voters who voted for John Kasich as governor and asking if you have voter’s remorse yet?
  • Plan for State of the Union address a good idea
    Democratic leaders in the House and Senate are embracing the idea of seating lawmakers without regard to party for this month’s State of the Union address.
  • Children Services appreciates community support for foster children
    Highland County Children Services would like to express our sincerest gratitude and warmest thanks to all of the individuals, clubs, organizations, and businesses for their generous donations and sponsorship to the foster children and families of Highland County during this Christmas holiday season.
  • Republicans off to a great start
    Well, the Republicans are in charge of the House of Representatives, and what a wonderful job the did on their first day. They read the Constitution and made it one of the most boring and unwatchable events ever presented on TV.
  • Rising property taxes discourage homeowners
    It’s that time of year again when my county treasurer sends me that semiannual reminder that they do exist and that they have a job to do. Of course, what I’m talking about is the fact that my property taxes are due.
  • Highland County is a wonderful place!
    I want to thank the people of Highland County for giving me the chance to work for them. I have worked with the Highland County Extension office for over 23 years and I couldn’t have asked to have had a better career.
  • Rebuttal of rebuttal offered
    A deficit is what occurs when you spend money you don’t have. For example, giving tax breaks without paying for them. Another would be starting two wars without paying for them.
  • Where's the outrage over increasing the deficit?
    We need thoughtful leadership to put the country back on solid financial footing, not representatives reacting to an angry, ignorant mob.
  • Remembering John and Jean Carson
    During the past several weeks, I have reflected on many people – staff and clients. Two wonderful people stand out, John and Jean Carson. Both were instrumental in starting and maintaining mental services in Highland County.
  • Rebuttal offered on GOP letter
    In response to Mr. Rentz’ letter to the editor “GOP needs a name change,” I would like to point out the errors in his thoughts.
  • Bold witness for Christ
    I wonder what might your greatest wish be this Christmas? This is the one time of year where we are allowed to indulge in our dreaming, why even our Christmas cartoons tell our children this is the time of year, a special time, where dreams can and do come true. They say that if we can dream it, it can happen.  
     Many of us have spent the last several weeks listening to our children telling us what they wish for this Christmas.
  • Merry Christmas!
    If I were to meet someone on the street today in some brief encounter, it's certain that I would wish them "Merry Christmas." Not "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" or anything else. It would be "Merry Christmas."
  • Tax data easily accessible online
    In response to a letter last week by Mr. Ken Rentz who wrote, "The super-rich have had lower taxes for 10 years now...",  I ask that you please print some information from the website.
  • Where is the anger?
    When asked by Lesley Stahl in an interview of John Boehner on 60 minutes why the Republican Party, supposedly dedicated to reducing government spending and balancing the budget, would support an agreement that would add nearly a trillion dollars to the nation's debt Mr. Boehner took time out from crying to say that deficits are caused by government spending, not by reductions in government income.
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