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Early Childhood Center thanks volunteers

To the editor:

My staff at the Hillsboro City Schools Early Childhood Center and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to the many volunteers who donated their time to work at the annual kindergarten registration held April 6. Approximately 152 students were registered that day.

An undertaking of this size is not possible without the many helpful hands and talents of the volunteers who so graciously give of their time each year. Since the list of volunteers is long and there is a possibility of mistakenly excluding someone's name, we would suffice it to say that we are very grateful to each and every person who rendered their assistance. We would like to thank Highland District Hospital and the Highland County Health Department for providing nursing staff to assist with the registration process. We would especially like to thank optometrists Dr. Tausha Barton and Dr. Jeffrey Ropar and dentists Dr. Lesia Langston-McKenna and Dr. James McKown, who took time from their patients to lend a hand to help identify vision and dental problems so that parents could correct these problems over the summer.

Those of us at the Early Childhood Center urge parents who were unable to bring their children to the registration to call the school to set up an appointment to enroll their child before the end of these school year. Registration may be done during regular school hours. For those parents who missed the April 6 registration, we encourage you to register your child for kindergarten during parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, April 21 from 4-7:30 p.m. It is necessary for you to bring your child with you in order to complete necessary screenings and paperwork.


Kathy Hoop
Hillsboro City Schools Early Childhood Center Principal[[In-content Ad]]

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