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Euphemisms and hypocrisy

To the editor:

Americans are seriously lacking fiber, moral fiber. They have replaced it with euphemisms in their diets. How quickly would we go to war with another country that was daily putting its citizens to the sword. We have declared war for a lesser cause, have taken it upon ourselves to intervene in the affairs of another country without even deciding which fundamental ideas would be at stake in the aftermath, possibly even supporting the al Qaeda in an effort to overthrow a harsh dictator.

How clean are our own noses that we quickly stick into the affairs of others? Here in America we appall other nations with our own immorality. For the "god of convenience" we make daily sacrifice that have a monstrous total of about 330,000 innocents a year. Multiply those crimes by 10 or 20 and you will see why we are losing our citizens at such an astronomical rate that we cannot even maintain our own culture and we don't have enough workers paying into Social Security to maintain the retirement system even if we had corporations left in this country. Sin may be a word we no longer use, and we may have a euphuism for consequences, but they are still very real concepts.

The media help salve our conscience with words like "planned parenthood, women's rights, and women's health. We say terminate the unwanted or unfortunate pregnancy. Then, we rationalize our acts as pious people, take another Prozac and visit the therapist when moments of truth intrude.

Since when are women not entitled to the same health care as men? I have never heard of Medicare discriminating because of gender. Why, then, are those dollars stripped from Medicare to fund planned parenthood, a partisan organization promoting abortions?

Please remember the law of unintended consequences.


Glenna Walters

Hillsboro[[In-content Ad]]

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