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Kasich taking necessary steps

To the editor:

I have been so proud of Ohio Gov. John Kasich for the unprecedented fortitude he has shown in standing up to the big labor unions which buy their clout and political power by bribing workers with their own money.  

Now, this big bully on the playground has his coterie looking his way to protect them. Protect them from what?
Many workers are too myopic to see the untold harm the unions have done to our country. Perhaps 50 years ago they served a necessary function; but since, they have increasingly become a growth-inhibiting, inflation-driving, political machine intent only upon their own clout and power.   

The worker is a necessary and often willing  pawn in the bully’s hand.

Thanks to the insane scream of “Tax the rich,” American corporations were struggling to pay ever-increasing taxes and keep their products competitive with imports from countries where wages were not even comparable to ours. That within and of itself was a crisis waiting to happen.
Then the labor unions began to administer the coup de grâce. The union was no longer an optional choice. It became mandatory if one wanted a job. The “right to work” went the way of the dinosaur.   

To placate the pawns, they were given frequent raises in salary. Two problems arose: raises in salary necessitate raises in expenses, and during this cyclic inflationary drive, corporations become the first casualty. Soon, there are no businesses left in this country; hence, no jobs.

This is the scenario as Governor Kasich takes office. As he tackles the two dilemmas which must be curtailed to bring jobs back, the pawns begin throwing temper tantrums like  spoiled brats in a toy store.  

“Yes, the ship of state may be on fire and something must be done, as anyone can see. But, no, don’t use any of MY water to put the fire out!” they scream. “I want  regular raises... I want more benefits.... I want.... and I want…”

It is not a question of what a worker is worth. It is a question of how to stay afloat and make everything else work. Those demanding a steak dinner can’t always demand that the neighbor’s ox be gored.  

We all have to be willing to sacrifice. Please encourage Representative Cliff Rosenberger to vote for Senate Bill 5 when it reaches the House.  

Glenna Walters
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