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  • Why don't we 'get out the vote?'

    Hillsboro citizens’ choice for Mayor next November – Mr. Levo or Mr. Hastings – is very probably one of the most important Mayor choices in Hillsboro’s long history. That choice should be the choice of most of Hillsboro’s 4,700 registered voters, not most of 10% of the voters as was the disappointing turnout for this week’s primary election. But that can happen only if most of those 4,700 people go to the polls and vote.
  • Online videos provide great insight for mayor's race
    I’m impressed by the qualities that all these men bring to the table. Mr. Daniels has experience on City Council and as a businessman. Mr. Mikkelsen is a person who has lived in our city for 10 years and exhibits a sincere vision for Hillsboro as well as a business background. Mr. Hastings has an eclectic background in many areas and I liked his attitude about “thinking outside the box.” This is a TOUGH CHOICE!
  • Paycheck on Page 1, Mike Ballentine on Page 8? Jesus must be pleased
    As I perused the April 16 Highland County Press and saw the huge Johnny Paycheck write-up and picture on the front page but had to search for Mike Ballentine's article hidden on Page 8, a thought crossed my mind: Jesus must be so pleased!
  • Is it time to update the Pledge of Allegiance?
    Perhaps it's time for the American people to learn from actual history and to demand a return to a framework that created happy days, instead of continuing to buy a fairy tale version in which wealth lavished on the very rich will somehow magically trickle down to everyone. Perhaps it's time for the majority of Americans to speak out against the disenfranchisement of the less privileged instead of nodding their heads and letting it go unchallenged.
  • Coverage on Johnny Paycheck appreciated
    Thanks for your recent coverage of Greenfield's Johnny Paycheck. I had never seen photos of him such as you used. He was a  handsome young man. When I met him in the late 1970s, he looked as if he was in his 80s. I suppose it was due to the life he led.
  • An open letter to Hillsboro citizens about the mayoral primary
    It’s because if you send another Hillsboro "In-Crowder” to the mayor’s office, the relationship between the city and county residents and the quality of life in Hillsboro and Highland County is doomed to get even worse. Please go vote in the mayoral primary May 3. The more voters, the better our chances.
  • Early Childhood Center thanks volunteers
    To the editor:

    My staff at the Hillsboro City Schools Early Childhood Center and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to the many volunteers who donated their time to work at the annual kindergarten registration held April 6. Approximately 152 students were registered that day.
  • Euphemisms and hypocrisy
    To the editor:
  • Carey's column cause for amazement
    We are no longer a country that produces many tangible goods. If the ever-increasing taxes didn’t drive the corporations out of the country, the increasing demands of the unions certainly made short work of those that were left. How can we attract businesses to ever return unless we break the choke hold of the unions?
  • Columnist off base on Obama criticism
    Mr. Lewis, you've really done it! Your column in the April 2 HCP was so off base as to be laughable, were it not so serious an allegation. Your whole point was to bash President Obama.
  • Remember women who have served in the Armed Forces
    After reading the HCP Community Happenings about the County Commission and VFW selling bricks for the Veterans' Memorial, I happened to wonder if people remember there were a lot of women veterans from previous wars and also young women as well as men currently serving overseas.
  • SSCC faculty rejects Senate Bill 5 in letter to Ohio lawmakers
    We are faculty at Southern State Community College, which has served thousands of citizens in your districts very well for 36 years. We want you and the citizens you serve to be aware that Senate Bill 5 is rife with unintended consequences that will harm the quality of higher education in Ohio. We only have space to discuss a few here.
  • Kasich taking necessary steps
    We all have to be willing to sacrifice. Please encourage Representative Cliff Rosenberger to vote for Senate Bill 5 when it reaches the House.
  • Let's end current fiscal insanity
    To the editor:
  • Why isn't there a party for truth seekers?
    To the editor:
  • Public employees (namely teachers) salaries are lower
    I would like to clarify some issues about the salaries of public employees that were published recently in the paper. I know that compared to the average salary of a Highland County resident, these salaries might look like a lot. However, when you compare these salaries to people in the private sector with the same educational qualifications, you will find public employees (namely teachers) salaries are much lower.
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