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  • Kasich appoints Petro as Chancellor of Ohio Board of Regents

    CLEVELAND - On Monday, Gov. John R. Kasich appointed JamesM. Petro to serve as Chancellor of the Ohio Board of Regents. Inhis new role, Petro will lead the University System of Ohio thelargest comprehensive system of public higher education in thenation and will work to ensure that Ohio provides the bestopportunities possible for its students, graduates, and businesses.
  • Greg Rhoads earns berth at Nationals for Wabash College
    Former Hillsboro High School standout wrestler Greg Rhoads jumped in celebration after posting a 7-3 victory in the championship bout of the 184-pound weight class at Saturday's NCAA Division III Midwest Wrestling Regional. The victory gives Rhoads an automatic berth at the NCAA National Championship meet.
  • McClain High School to present 'Bye, Bye Birdie' March 25-26
    "Bye, Bye Birdie" will be presented on Friday, March 25 and Saturday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the McClain Auditorium. Cost of tickets is $5. They may be purchased at the door. Any questions may be directed to Loretta Flora at (937) 981-7731.
  • Construction management firm selected for Opera House renovation
    Lepi Enterprises, Inc. of Zanesville, Ohio a firm specializing in historic renovation, has been selected to provide construction management services for planned exterior repair work on Hillsboro’s Bells Opera House.
  • Ohio fiscal officer charged with theft in office
    Former village fiscal officer Jackie Prine stole $37,081 of public money from the Village of Alger according to a special audit released by Auditor of State Dave Yost. Prine pleaded guilty last week in the Hardin County Common Pleas Court to collecting but not depositing utility payments over a five-year period.
  • Severe storm warnings posted for southern Ohio UPDATED
    A severe thunderstorm warning and a tornado watch have been posted for southern Ohio, southeast Indiana and northern Kentucky, according to the National Weather Service. There are also flash flood warnings for much of the state.
  • Speaker Batchelder addresses area GOP; Sullivan named Republican of the Year
    Ohio House Speaker Bill Batchelder discussed staying true to the taxpayers, while New Market resident Lowell Sullivan was named Republican of the Year Thursday during the Highland County Republican Party's annual Lincoln Day Dinner.
     The event, held at the First United Methodist Church in Hillsboro, also allowed the three Republican candidates for the Hillsboro Mayor's race to address voters.
  • Heartland hosts 7th annual chili challenge
    Heartland's Debbie Rhude thanked all participants, judges and sponsors of the event and again reminded everyone "how important it is to purchase a ticket."
  • Heavy rains cause school delay; several reports of high water
    Heavy rains through the late evening Thursday and early morning Friday have led to one local school delay and several reports of high water. The Lynchburg-Clay Schools were on a one-hour delay due to areas of high water.
  • OSHP investigating breaking and entering at SSCC
    The Ohio State Highway Patrol-Cincinnati Operations Post is investigating a breaking and entering offense that occurred at the Southern State Community College located in Sardinia on Feb. 16 between the hours of 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.
  • Performance audits bill passes Ohio House
    State Representative Cliff Rosenberger (R-Clarksville) has announced that House Bill 2, which will reduce wasteful spending and help to save tax dollars, passed unanimously from the Ohio House of Representatives by a vote of 97-0.
  • County OKs three new cruisers
    The Highland County Board of Commissioners voted Wednesday to approve the leasing of three new cruisers for the Highland County Sheriff’s Office, with the stipulations that for 2010, no new funds be drawn from the general fund.
  • Case dismissed against former corrections officer; peace officer certification forfeited
    The case of a former corrections officer with the Highland County Justice Center indicted on a charge of sexual battery has been dismissed. However, according to the Highland County Prosecutor's Office, as a result of the charge being dismissed, the defendant agreed to never be a law enforcement officer again.
     Christopher L. Hilderbrandt, 30, of Highland County, was indicted in October on one count of sexual battery, a felony of the third degree.
  • SSCC board finance committee to meet March 2
    The finance committee of the Southern State Community College Board of Trustees will meet at noon, Wednesday, March 2 at Alley 21 restaurant in Hillsboro.
     The meeting is open to the public.
  • Thousands protest SB5; Daniels says he supports 'collective bargaining reform in some manner'
    As thousands of Ohio residents turned out at the Statehouse Tuesday to protest proposed collective bargaining reform, the Ohio State Highway Patrol restricted access to the building and hearings.
     An estimated 4,000 people were around Capitol Square Tuesday, and the OSHP allowed approximately 750 people inside to view hearings on Senate Bill 5.
  • Portman, Batchelder, Daniels, Rosenberger to attend tour of air park, discuss job-creation efforts
    State and area leaders will tour the Wilmington Air Park on Thursday and discuss job-creation efforts.
     State Representative Cliff Rosenberger, Ohio House Speaker Bill Batchelder; U.S. Senator Rob Portman; State Senator Dave Daniels; Mayor of Wilmington David Raizk; and numerous local, state and congressional leaders will be participating in the tour of Wilmington Air Park, "as leaders from all levels of government work to strengthen the region's job-creation efforts," according to a media release.
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