Kentucky State Police Post 11, London, responded to a fatal two-vehicle collision that occurred just after 3:16 p.m. on Dec. 10. The accident took place on southbound Interstate I-75 at the 15-mile marker in Whitley County.
In 2022, the Lynchburg-Clay FFA began a community service project with the goal of spreading Christmas cheer to those that are away for the holidays. We partnered with Jeff Dye Greenhouse & Nursery to make and sell Christmas Swags. All proceeds from the project are used to purchase goodies to send to our men and women overseas.
A Paducah, Ky. man charged with first-degree felony counts of rape and kidnapping was among the 10 indictments handed down by a Highland County grand jury in their final session of the 2024 calendar year Tuesday, Dec. 3.
A Lynchburg man was sentenced to community control and 30 days in jail recently after pleading guilty to discharge of a firearm on or near prohibited premises.
The start of the 2024-25 season for the Lynchburg-Clay Lady Mustangs resulted in a Southern Hills Athletic Conference win, as they defended their home court with a 36-28 win over the visiting Peebles Lady Indians Monday evening.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Department of Development Director Lydia Mihalik Tuesday announced that 49 communities in 45 counties will receive $10.9 million in allocations to support community development projects.
The Lynchburg-Clay Lady Mustangs are ready to take the basketball court for the 2024-25 season, and this year they will have some new players taking over vacated starting roles.
On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Lynchburg-Clay High School students and Food Service honored the district’s bus drivers and transportation staff with a Thanksgiving meal.
The Lynchburg Lions Club has kicked off its annual candy sale, which runs through December at the Republican Headquarters Building in Hillsboro and the Southern Hills Community Bank in Lynchburg.
The Georgetown Post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol is currently investigating a two-vehicle fatal traffic crash that occurred Nov. 12 at approximately 10:15 a.m. on US 62 near milepost 19 in the Village of Russellville.
It was announced Tuesday that Heather L. Tarr, formerly of Lynchburg, has been appointed assistant director of VA Northern Indiana Health Care System effective Nov. 17.