Highland County commissioners kicked off 2024 with their organizational meeting Monday, Jan. 8, where they voted to appoint a new chairman and vice chairman for the year.
The Highland County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the presentation of the 12th annual Ag is Everyone’s Business event on Friday, March 1 at Boeckmann Farms, owned and operated by Jason and Amy Boeckmann, located north of Hillsboro.
Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) Director Brian Baldridge Friday addressed delegates from Ohio's 94 county and independent fairs at the 99th Ohio Fair Managers Association annual convention at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Director Bruce Vanderhoff, M.D., MBA, Friday announced that the Public Health Fund of Ohio (PHFO) has awarded a total of $350,000 to seven suicide prevention coalitions across Ohio.
The Highland County Board of Elections met Tuesday, Jan. 2 to certify candidate petitions and questions/issues for the March 19 primary election, with voters set to consider one countywide contested race and one countywide levy.
A Washington Court House man charged with felonious assault and a Seaman woman charged with aggravated theft were among the first indictments handed down by a Highland County grand jury in the 2024 calendar year.
The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) recently held elections for directors in districts 1, 4, 7, 10 and one at-large position. The new board then held a meeting to elect the association’s officers for 2024.
The Democratic Women of Highland County were celebrated with an Appreciation Tea Saturday afternoon, hosted at the Hillsboro home of Pat Lawrence and Larry Cadle.
Attorneys for the Highland, Clinton and Brown County Boards of Elections have filed answers in the civil lawsuit filed by Lynchburg-Clay Board of Education write-in candidate Stacie Rhonemus, who is challenging the results of the Nov. 7 general election.
After two unrelated accidents temporarily took it out of commission, the historic, massive cast iron bell owned by the Highland County Historical Society returned to its rightful spot outside the Highland House Museum facing U.S. 50 in Hillsboro on Thursday, Dec. 28.