McClain FFA excels at state convention

McClain FFA senior officers pose with the gold-rated chapter plaque.
By Brooklyn Baldwin
McClain FFA Reporter
On May 4-5, the McClain FFA chapter sent several members across the stage at the Ohio FFA State Convention where thousands of FFA members gather to celebrate the year’s accomplishments.
President Hannah Crago and Vice President Abby Mustard walked across the stage to receive an award for being one of the top 10 percent of gold rated chapters on McClain FFA’s behalf.
Then, Kenedi Wise, Cade Sponcil, and Brooklyn Baldwin were recognized for their gold-rated officers books.
Hannah Crago and Brooklyn Baldwin were recognized for being the top individuals in the Rural Soils and Agricultural Communications contests.
Also, three freshmen agriscience fair finalists competed in the state competition. Toree Wareiks and Maguire Ross, as well as Creed Davis and Hayden Angel, both placed third in their respective divisions. Olivia Stegbauer placed second with her project.
Abigail Marsh, Mylie Lovett, Addison Olaker and Adalyn Snyder were one of the top nine out of 180 applicants that were chosen to perform onstage in the talent competition. McClain FFA also had seven members be selected to participate in the Ohio FFA Choir.
Additionally, Sierra Barton, Harlee Hammond, Cade Sponcil, and Abby Wise were all selected to receive their state degrees, which is the second-highest degree an FFA member can receive.