Greenfield school board closes out calendar year

Six of the 31 McClain students currently interning at local companies are pictured with school board members at the Dec. 16 meeting. Students (l-r) are Abigail Couch, Sarah Kegley, Dayza Daugherty, Connor McCune, Hayden Angel, and Brandon Greene. School board members pictured (l-r) are Eric Wise, Sandy Free, Eric Zint, Marilyn Mitchell, and Rachel Fraley. (Photo by Angela Shepherd.)
By Angela Shepherd
In the last regular meeting of 2024, the Greenfield school board met in the McClain library on Dec. 16 where they heard a recap of the first semester of the school year from high school administrators, met new teachers, and learned a little sign language, too.
McClain High School Principal and Assistant Principal, Matt Shelton and Jarrod Haines, respectively, gave updates on student activities so far this year.
These activities have included college explorations with five school-wide college visits, four colleges coming to McClain to speak, and multiple college events; internships and work-based learning – 31 students are currently participating in paid internships and 32 students are in work-based learning; and 10 students have been trained in phlebotomy. Since the summer began, the McClain Cadet Corps has attended 64 events and logged 1,276 volunteer hours. McClain FFA members have logged 2,277 work-based learning hours since the start of August with an economic impact of more than $55,000, they said.
Six of the students participating in internships attended Monday’s meeting and were recognized by the board of education. Those students were Abigail Couch, who is interning with the Greenfield Police Department, Brandon Greene interning with Greenfield Research, Sarah Kegley interning with Thompson Funeral Home, Dayza Daugherty interning with Corvac, and Connor McCune interning with Paint Creek Fire and EMS.
Shelton also introduced two teachers new to the district this year. First was high school Spanish teacher Joan Free, who spoke about her welcome to the district and the excellent behavior of students. She also spoke about Greenfield, and the school being the center of the community and how apparent that is to a person new to the area. Next was American Sign Language (ASL) teacher Jessica Frankovich who taught a brief lesson in ASL to those attending the board meeting, which included learning some basic greetings, feelings signs, and the alphabet.
In torah matters, student advisory council members Toree Wareikis and Maguire Ross told board members about recent activities regarding the holidays. These have included the choir and band concerts, Santa visiting with the little kids, Christmas spirit week this week across the district, and the coming Christmas assembly on Dec. 20, students’ last day before Christmas break.
Employment recommendations approved by the board were Amanda Brewer - certified substitute, Carolyn Fent - certified substitute; Christopher Miller - aide; Jessie Whaley - aide; Austin Booth - baseball assistant; and student workers Aiden Pernod and Hunter Sanderson.
Consent agenda items accepted included the resignation of teacher Dave Ehlers who will be retiring at the end of the school year. This is year 36 of teaching for Ehlers.
The next meeting of the Greenfield Exempted Village School Board will be the organizational meeting held in the new year where board leadership and meeting dates for 2025 will be determined.
To keep updated on what is going on in the Greenfield Exempted Village School District, go to the district website at or go to the district’s social media pages. The individual buildings also have Facebook pages. The district’s central office may be reached by calling 937-981-2152.
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Below, pictured during the Dec. 16 school board meeting held in the McClain library (clockwise from left) are district treasurer Brad Barber, school board members Eric Wise, Rachel Fraley, Sandy Free, Eric Zint, and Marilyn Mitchell, then superintendent Quincey Gray and student advisory council members Toree Wareikis and Maguire Ross. (Photo by Angela Shepherd.)