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  • Canada's immigration crisis

    The harsh, inescapable truth is that too much immigration – the excesses plaguing the U.S. and Canada – hurts the native-born economically and societally.
  • Looking back at 1924 Immigration Act through a 2024 lens
    Too many people arriving in too short a period strains vital social services like medical care and education and depletes irreplaceable natural resources like water and agricultural land, exactly the outcome that the 1924 legislation prevented.
  • Border bill would keep invasion going
    The amendment would legalize border chaos by allowing up to 5,000 illegal entries per day, potentially 1.85 million illegal aliens annually, before border closure is required. The border closure guidelines are time-limited, however, and the untrustworthy Biden and Mayorkas have the discretion to determine how and when to use the authority provided. 
  • Immigration No. 1 issue among voters, explained
    A Wall Street Journal national poll conducted in late February found that 20% of voters now rank immigration as their top issue, up from 13% in December. In the same poll, 65% of voters said they disapproved of President Joe Biden’s handling of border security, and 71% said developments in immigration and border security are going in the wrong direction.
  • Illegal alien aka ‘migrant’ crime spree accelerates
    If immigration were beneficial for the economy, then America with its 46 million immigrant population, and unknown millions of illegal immigrants, the economy would be booming. Instead, little evidence exists that a higher, immigration-driven population translates to a richer economy.
  • Biden’s TikTok flip-flop
    Despite security concerns, President Joe Biden fearlessly took to TikTok to promote his 2024 presidential campaign. Some registered shock at the president using the app that the Chinese company ByteDance owns.
  • Senate’s pro-Ukraine faction passes funding bill, omits U.S. border security
    Among the millions of migrants flooding the southern border, Chinese illegal immigrants made up the fastest-growing faction last year. In FY 2023, CBP apprehended 24,000 Chinese nationals, about 12 times the 1,970 arrests in the previous fiscal year. Since October 1 when fiscal year 2024 began, a staggering 20,000 Chinese nationals have crossed. If the 20,000 per fiscal year quarter influx continues, a projected 80,000 Chinese nationals will enter.
  • A heck of a week on the immigration front
    The correct number of illegal aliens that should be admitted daily is zero. 
  • STEM degrees not worth effort, expense
    Little by little, the truth about academic life on university campuses is leaking out. Although not as dramatic or headline-grabbing as the Harvard, Penn and MIT scandals, the myth that science, technology, engineering and math degrees (STEM) will lead to a well-paid, white-collar job is gradually being debunked.
  • Mayorkas bobs and weaves around the truth
    After months of back and forth, the House appears ready to begin the impeachment process against Mayorkas. On their trip to Eagle Pass, the 600+ House delegation that included House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., said that his panel will officially begin an effort this month to impeach Mayorkas.
  • Global conflicts expose dire U.S. munitions shortage, Part 2
    The United States military is severely short on high-end and artillery munitions at a crucial and strategic moment. As the calendar turns to 2024, Ukraine, using bombs and bullets from the United States, continues its slog of a war with Russia with no foreseeable end. Simultaneously, the U.S. continues sending artillery rounds to Israel amidst the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) assault on Hamas in Gaza. 
  • A shrunken arsenal: The alarming decline of U.S. munitions
    The United States, once a fortress of military might, now faces the prospect of a munitions deficit in an era brimming with uncertainties. This desperate situation demands the development of a national critical munitions stockpile.
  • GOP digs in on border enforcement
    In a nutshell, DeSantis summed up the challenge that Americans face. President Biden, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Cabinet are at best indifferent to and tolerant of open borders’ consequences or, at worst, content and pleased to remake the U.S. into a nation unrecognizable to its citizens.
  • Deters, Hawkins and Shanahan file petitions for Ohio Supreme Court
    Today, the Ohio Republican Party's endorsed slate of judicial candidates – Justice Joe Deters, Judge Dan Hawkins and Judge Megan Shanahan – filed their petitions to run for Ohio Supreme Court in 2024.
  • House gives Mayorkas a free pass
    Even though the Senate would never have upheld a House vote to impeach, the opportunity missed was huge. Impeaching Mayorkas would show that the Republicans are serious about protecting Americans from the danger that unvetted migrants represent.
  • European migration ‘compassion fatigue’
    At the risk of sounding alarmist, the 2024 election could be America’s last chance to retain its sovereignty. Maintaining the status quo means that, assuming the current migrant entry rate, by the 2028 election between 15 and 20 million unvetted illegal immigrants would be residing in the U.S., a treasonous act.
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