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Hillsboro Christian Academy takes second place in Milford Bulldog Classic

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
The Hillsboro Christian Academy Crusaders pose with their second-place Milford Bulldog Classic trophy. Pictured (l-r) are: Assistant Coach Tyler Tomera, Titus Howsman, Nathan Massie, Bryson Willey, Kellin Storer, Connor Henderson, Aidan Young, Edward Rhonemus, Hayden Tong, Joshua Baggs, Jonah Brannon, Colten Boggess, Jacob Crusie, Coach Fred Boggess and team manager Braxton Henderson. (HCP photos by Colin Ryan.) 

By Colin Ryan
The Highland County Press

MILFORD – The Milford Christian Academy Bulldogs hosted their annual Milford Bulldog Classic basketball tournament on Dec. 1-2. The Hillsboro Christian Academy Crusaders took part in the tournament, earning second place in both the varsity boys and varsity girls competitions. Both teams finished with one win and one loss in the tournament.

The Crusaders and Lady Crusaders each took on MCA in the first round of the competition. The Crusaders defeated the Bulldogs for the first time in school history by a score of 65-55. The Lady Crusaders defeated the Lady Bulldogs by a score of 32-31.

Leading scorers for the Crusaders were Kellin Storer with a school record 38 points and Titus Howsman with 14 points. Leading scorers for the Lady Crusaders were Lisa VanZant with 18 points and Annie Henderson with six.

In the second round of competition, the Crusaders faced the Temple Christian School Tigers for the championship. The Crusaders were defeated by the Tigers by a final score of 62-37.

Leading scorers for the Crusaders were Bryson Willey with 15 and Hayden Tong with 12.

• The Lady Crusaders faced the Ross County Christian Academy Lady Eagles in the championship for the varsity girls competition. The Lady Crusaders were defeated by a final score of 50-23.

Leading scorers for the Lady Crusaders were VanZant with 10 points and Emma Korte with nine.

The Crusaders now have a record of 4-2 on the season as they look to take on Adams County Christian School on Dec. 8 at ACCS. The Lady Crusaders have a record of 3-2 and will also take on ACCS on Dec. 8 for their next game.

Below, The Hillsboro Christian Academy Lady Crusaders pose with their second-place Milford Bulldog Classic trophy. Pictured (l-r) are: Assistant Coach Elizabeth Stout, Emma Gorman, Kylee McCollum, Emma Korte, Zayla Bourne, Annie Henderson, Carlee Puckett, Kari Flowers, Lisa VanZant, Coach Tyler Rhodes and Assistant Coach Carrie Hainline.


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