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McClain, Whiteoak teams compete at RL Davisson Invitational; Lady Tigers win meet

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
Stephen Forsha, The Highland County Press

This past Thursday (April 4) at Southeastern High School, the McClain and Whiteoak track and field teams competed at the RL Davisson Invitational, where the Lady Tigers won the event with a first-place finish of 161 points. 

Also in the girls event, Whiteoak was 10th place overall with 21.5 points. 

In the boys event, Whiteoak finished in second place with 67 points, while MHS was eighth at 46 points. 

Below are Top 5 finishes for McClain and Whiteoak: 

McClain Girls (Top 5) 

100-meter hurdles — Brenna Wright, 1st, 16.72; Adalynn Snyder, 3rd, 17.96. 

100m dash — Luca Matesic, 2nd, 13.40; Katie Cook, 5th, 13.79. 

4x200m relay — 1st, 1:58.56.

1600m run — Brooklyn Baldwin, 5th, 6:42.73.

4x100m relay — 1st, 54.62.

400m dash — Kaitlyn Jett, 1st, 1:06.02.

300m dash — Brenna Wright, 1st, 51.50; Adalynn Snyder, 2nd, 57.02. 

800m run — Katrina Sturgeon, 3rd, 3:01.15. 

200m dash — Luca Matesic, 2nd, 29.17; Katie Cook, 5th, 29.95. 

Discus — Lily Barnes, 2nd, 109-2; Bailey Parsons, 3rd, 84-1. 

High jump — Mylie Lovett, 1st, 4-8.

Long jump — Luca Matesic, 2nd, 14-2.75; Larah Henson, 5th, 13-5.25. 

Shot put — Leah Lovett, 2nd, 34.2.50; Lily Barnes, 3rd, 33-5. 

Pole Vault — Becca Bergstrom, 3rd, 8-0. 

4x8m relay — 4th, 12:35.40. 

Whiteoak Girls (Top 5) 

800m run — Claire Ames, 1st, 2:52.47. 

4x400m relay — 2nd, 5:11.20. 

Discus — Shauna Brown, 5th, 82-5.

McClain Boys (Top 5)

100m dash — TD Matesic, 5th, 12.08. 

400m dash — TD Matesic, 2nd, 55.9. 

300m hurdles — Nicholas Alvarez, 5th, 51.05. 

4x400m relay — 4th, 3:09.19. 

Discus —  Austin Ruddle, 5th, 108-6. 

High Jump — Max Eikenberry, 3rd, 5-4. 

Whiteoak Boys (Top 5) 

4x8m relay — 2nd, 9:45.38. 

1600m run — Landen Eyre, 1st, 4:38.32; Weston Blair, 4th, 4:53.54. 

3200m run — Landen Eyre, 1st, 10:03.76. 

4x4m relay — 1st, 3:54.28. 

800m run — Weston Blair, 1st, 2:03.59; Keegan Eyre, 4th, 2:13.79. 

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