Hillsboro Garden Club, Library partner for annual Seed Exchange
The Hillsboro Library is excited to partner with the Hillsboro Garden Club for their annual Seed Exchange.
“Last year was a huge success. The Hillsboro Garden Club is such a wonderful resource with so many knowledgeable people, and having them be a part of this event really makes it special.
The library’s Seed Exchange table will be located by the front door (facing Willettsville Pike), and for the next two weeks, patrons are invited to stop by, leave some seeds and/or take some seeds. We love seeing the variety of seeds that we get.
The Seed Exchange will be Monday, March 3 through Saturday, March 15. The Hillsboro Garden Club will be there during the exchange on Saturday, March 8 and March 15.
For more information on this or other library programs, visit www.highlandco.org, call (937) 393-3114 or search “Highland County District Library of Ohio” on Facebook.
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