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Fab Five 4-H Club holds May 7 meeting

Maddy Wiseman, Fab Five 4-H Club

The Fab Five 4-H Club’s most recent meeting was held May 7 at the Leesburg Friends Church. 

Wyatt Morrow called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kalea Baldwin, and the 4-H pledge was led by Whitlee Morrow.

Ginny Trent then did roll call, and after that, she did her secretary’s report. Hunter Davidson gave his treasurer’s report, and then Maddy Wiseman went into the news report.

Club dues need to be paid by each member. Thank you to everyone that donated and helped out with the bake sale on May 6 at Southern Hills Community Bank.

Quality assurance dates are May 18 at Lynchburg-Clay High School with registration starting at 6:30 p.m. and May 30 at Hillsboro High School with registration at 6 p.m.

Then we talked about the experience at the member and officer training for whoever went. Demonstrations need to be done, and you need to do skillathon or interview in order to show at the fair.

Then the advisers gave their reports, and then members did demonstrations. After that, we did recreation, which was a new game to me, but everyone had the best time playing that game.
Whitlee Morrow motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Avery Morrow seconded it.