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Learning the realities of capitalism once again

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Jim Thompson

By Jim Thompson
HCP columnist

In Washington and elsewhere around our country, people are once again learning the principles of capitalism. It makes no difference where you live on this planet, what sort of government you are under, at the individual level, everyone is a capitalist.  

We want to receive more income than we spend, we want to sell items for more than they cost us. That is pure capitalism.

There have been large numbers of people, either employed by the federal government (meaning they were getting a check, whether they were working or not was another question). There have been large numbers of people, because of some sort of federal favorites selection policy, have received checks with no pretense of working.

President Trump is rapidly making sure this comes to an end.  

There is widespread panic that folks might actually have to find a job and go to work where they produce actual value.

The ignorance in this area is widespread and deep.

In the past, some employees have been shocked to find out that their employer made a profit on their working for them. Really? Think it through. If they don’t make a profit on you working for them, why on earth would they employ you?  

We have spent at least half a century making excuses for not working and letting people off easy. It has nearly bankrupted our country. Thank goodness we seem to be getting it under control in just the nick of time.

And then there is Elon Musk. Lots of folks are accusing him of stealing federal money and doing all sorts of nefarious things. Thank goodness we have him. Why would he risk his reputation stealing from the government? He is already the richest person in the world. Getting caught stealing $10 would not be worth it as compared to what it would do to his reputation.

He took a bath buying Twitter (X). Yes, he made a bad deal there, but some sharp lawyers could likely have gotten him out of it. He has done us a great service by taking the censoring off of X. If you look on there, most of the posts I see are lefties bellyaching about Trump or Musk. How ironic is that?

At Jamestown, John Smith purportedly said, "He who does not work will not eat." 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.”

I’ll take this a bit further, not condemning you but telling you the precept I live by. I will be 75 this summer. I still work at least 40 hours most weeks. I enjoy working. I’ve also noticed, in the Bible, there are no retirees. Am I better than Moses? Jeremiah? John the Baptist? I don’t think so.

Jim Thompson, formerly of Marshall, is a graduate of Hillsboro High School and the University of Cincinnati. He resides in Duluth, Ga. and is a columnist for The Highland County Press. 

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