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A sermon on Zephaniah 3:17

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article
Fr. Mike Paraniuk

By Fr. Mike Paraniuk
St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Benignus Catholic Church 
St. Mary Queen of Heaven
and Holy Trinity Catholic Church

The LORD your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy. (Zephaniah 3:17.)

God was celebrating with many joyful shouts last Saturday at Holy Trinity Church West Union for 18-year-old Drew. He came to Mass to give over his entire life to Jesus. It was a bittersweet moment because this will be the last time Drew could ever come to church. He has a rapidly spreading brain tumor. He can no longer walk. He can no longer hear nor talk. He can only see out of his left eye. Drew will be leaving this world very soon. His last wish is to leave here as a Christian in the Catholic faith. Drew is living the true meaning of Advent as he prepares to meet Jesus.

Using the only eye that can see, Drew reads the bible daily as he doesn't know how long that eye will continue to function. He prays intently because he will soon see the One he is praying to – Jesus. Drew is especially devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It gladdens him that his fingers can still feel each bead of the Rosary.

Drew arrived at church in a wheelchair. Three family members then carried him to a more comfortable leather chair. All the congregation gathered around him. They sensed that a living saint was in their midst. 

I celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation first, calling for the Holy Spirit to fill his soul. All those present extended their hands over him in prayer. Then, I prayed the Last Rites prayer: "Go forth Christian Soul to God the Father who created you. To Jesus who redeemed you. To the Holy Spirit who sanctifies you in love. Be with the God of Light and of Love, the God of Goodness and Grace, the God of Mercy and Kindness, the God of Care and Compassion. May the Saints come out to welcome you, the Angels bring you and the Martyrs take you to the Holy City, the Kingdom of God. Receive his soul and present him to God the Most High. And may flights of Angels sing you to your rest." 

Many worshippers shed tears, overwhelmed with the sorrow of Drew leaving us so young, but joy knowing he is going to a place where he will be young forever.

Finally, I gave Drew the Holy Communion. He could no longer eat, so I broke off a small piece of the host. Since he can no longer hear, I wrote him a note that I placed in front of his left eye. It read, "Tell Jesus we all said, 'Hi.'" 

He smiled. I kissed Drew on the top of his now bald head. I felt like I was giving a love kiss to Jesus. 

The celebration of Drew's journey to Jesus concluded in a miraculous way.  We had no music at this Mass, but we very much wanted a song dedicated to Blessed Mary whom Drew loved so much. And God provided. In the congregation was our parishioner Lauren, who is cantor with a beautiful voice. She normally doesn't go to this particular Saturday evening Mass, but God put her there this day just for Drew. 

She sang for him the "Ave Maria" in Latin by memory. Lauren was the only one who could have done this. God planned this for sure. The words of St. Paul became so real: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!" (Phil. 4:4.) Drew could not hear Lauren singing for him, but he heard it in his heart – and rejoiced. 

The third Sunday of Advent is called "Joyful." I urge you: Give God a reason to rejoice over you. Live your life to please God. God says, "glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good". (Romans 2:10.) What is the good God wants you to do? Here it is:  "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others." (Phil. 2:4.)

I don't know if Drew will be with us when I preach this sermon. But I know he lived a life pleasing to God. Go and do the same. Happy Advent

(Update: Immediately after finishing the writing of this sermon on Monday, I received a text. Drew's breathing is now very weak. He requested no intubation. His birth to a new life is beginning. Please God, celebrate him home.) 

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