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  • The need to know

    When one looks back in history, public education was established, not to train people for employment, but to train voters to be intelligent in a democratic society. Education has lost this purpose and today's voters' knowledge of critical issues is often nearly as ignorant as the fine citizens of old Salem, Massachusetts.
  • Unsafe at any altitude
    When I talk to groups about the coming threats of RPAs, I point out that most defenses we see routinely deal with threats under 10 feet in altitude. Even most of the TSA checkpoints in airports are wide open above eight or nine feet. Our thinking must change when we think of threats. Threats now come from any altitude, from any direction and at nearly any speed.
  • A few places the Feds can cut
    So, I will agree with you climate-change folks, for once. We must do something about climate change (as well as 2%-ers). Stop subsidizing and encouraging the building of homes and businesses in flood-prone areas.
  • Such nice behavior in Michigan
    There is no place left in America for conservatives. And if there is no place in America for conservatives, there is no place in the rest of the world, either. It is as if being a conservative is some sort of a disease — you are shouted down as being the radical right or worse for simply having a limited government, conservative viewpoint.
  • What is the point, Mr. President?
    The president is certainly comfortable doing things like the rich do – endless golf, fantastic vacations, running around in the most fabulous passenger plane on earth. So, he can't despise what the rich and wealthy do with their money, otherwise he wouldn't do those things himself – they would be abhorrent to him and his wife.
  • Is it better to give than to receive?
    Among the many things the federal government has taken from us, the joy of giving may just be the most serious.
  • The new segregation?
    As a global warming skeptic who will never be in a car pool van or AFV unless forced to do so by the government, it hit me that I now know a little of what discrimination feels like. Today, if you do not bow to the Global Warming/Climate Change/Carbon Footprint gods, you are deemed stupid, ignorant, lazy and unenlightened.
  • Real reform
    Lobbying should be stopped or severely reduced on all sides. Not just business, but environmentalists, the NRA, Planned Parenthood, unions and on and on. To my knowledge, no other republic on earth has the lobbying machine that exists in Washington. Why is that? Why can't we get rid of it?
  • Panajachel provides new perspective
    If you think your relatively high station in life is solely due to your own exertions, I suggest you contemplate randomness, and then, have the resolve to spend a week or more in a place like Panajachel. You will get more out of it than you put in and you will come back a different person with a different perspective on life.
  • Panajachel provides new perspective
    If you think your relatively high station in life is solely due to your own exertions, I suggest you contemplate randomness, and then, have the resolve to spend a week or more in a place like Panajachel. You will get more out of it than you put in and you will come back a different person with a different perspective on life.
  • After the election: Enjoy or endure?
    In my short lifetime, 62 years, the United States has moved from a place to enjoy living, a fortunate privilege for those of us born here or immigrating here, to a place to be endured.
  • New Yorkers and global warming
    If my house falls off the back of my lot, you know I will not ask the federal government, or any other government, for help. Such a disaster is the result of my own choices, good or bad.
  • The really serious issue
    We have one root problem in the developed world – idle hands and minds created by an extraordinarily efficient manufacturing system. (China is not the problem. That is a false target.) This extraordinarily efficient manufacturing system causes a sense of worthlessness and listlessness leading to societal problems.
  • I can't wait for $10 gasoline!
    This leads to a question and a conclusion. The question is this: are we to infer the economy is much better, now that gas is $4 per gallon? And then the only logical conclusion one can reach from the president’s statement – we should all be cheering for $10 gas, for that will indicate the economy is really booming.
  • Reasons to be optimistic about the future
    The last and final blow to the progressive liberal agenda occurred on Sept. 13, 2012, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke announced Quantitative Easing III, the plan to purchase $40 billion per month of mortgage backed securities "until there is a real turn in the economy." In other words, indefinitely.
  • Pessimism: The nature of the ultimate 'no' vote
    The current view of the United States of the future, should the progressive liberals continue to dominate the agenda as they have for many decades, is bleak.
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