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  • Being thankful for 2020

    Let us start with the obvious. If you are reading this, you have made it through the year. It may have been with some (perhaps a lot) of stress, sorrow and an empty stomach at times. But you are here. You made it.
  • Oranges and bananas
    During cotton vacation, Priscilla had decided to make it a point to visit each child’s home. She would do this between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Money was scarce, but she would take each family a small bag of oranges and bananas.
  • His 'Fraudulency' hails from Delaware
    Rutherford B. Hayes was born in Delaware, Ohio on Oct. 4, 1822. He was an attorney and served as city solicitor of Cincinnati from 1858-61. Joining the Union Army, he fought in the Civil War, and was wounded five times. He had a reputation for bravery and achieved the rank of brevet major general. He served in Congress from 1865-67 as a Republican. He served as governor of Ohio from 1868-72 and from 1876-77.
  • We are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – nothing more
    I think the word “entitled” stirs up so much ill will and bad feelings among people, societies and nations that we should ban it and the concepts it stands for. It is a word that came into widespread use in the 20th century.
  • From GHW Bush, to praying for our next leader
    As a nation, we may be divorced from one another, but our Christian duty is to pray for one another. You might want to remember this column when I, your humble columnist, get excited about politics in our country. Despite my passion, I need to remember the words of Peter, and you may need to remind me of them.
  • The last presidential election
    I will not be a sheep for the corrupt left-wing crowd that manipulated the “election” just past. If it looks like this will continue in the future, the best thing to do is not participate; for by participating, one adds an air of legitimacy to what is going on.
  • Grover Cleveland redux?
    There are many other things Trump can do when unleashed from the Oval Office. Trump can run again in 2024. After all, even then he will be a few months younger than Biden is now. Grover Cleveland is the only president thus far to serve two non-consecutive terms, 1885-89 and 1893-97. There is no reason Trump cannot do this.
  • Last chance
    In our rush to assure we don’t discriminate due to all the things in the modern world that are identified as discriminatory, we have forgotten the thoughts of Socrates. But corporate social media and the mainstream press have not forgotten. They have capitalized on it. In fact, the Left has gone so far as to be totally inclusive, bringing non-citizens, the dead and the duplicates registered in multiple voting precincts into the voting booth.
  • What’s keeping you up at night?
    If you haven’t voted already, it’s time to get personal. What is keeping you up at night? What are your worries that fall into the areas that government can do something about them? When you figure that out, you’ll know which way to vote.
  • The most important events of 2020
    We are at a serious place when it comes to the amendments that are there for our rights and our protection. I hope, in the brief time that is left, you look carefully at the choices on Nov. 3 where you live and then vote to protect your rights and your freedoms. We lose these freedoms and there is nothing else to talk about.
  • Executive Order 9981
    Right now, we have a president who is as tough as old Harry Truman, as verbally intimidating as my World War II colonel and as resilient as my swift boat captain. Like the other three, many don’t like him, but he has been consistent through the storms of nearly four years and been delivering the medicine we need.
  • How much do you agree with law and order?
    One of the favorite convention cities in this country was Seattle (this was about 25 years ago). In those days, invariably, one of the cautions in the prework packet for attendees went like this (not an exact quote): “Be especially careful and avoid jaywalking or walking across the street against the light here in Seattle. There is a no-tolerance policy, and you will likely get a ticket from your friendly police officer.” I liked this.
  • Protecting the environment, coast to coast
    You are going to have to hang with me on this one – we’ll be figuratively flying around the country. While the country is focused on the presidential election, a replacement judge for the Supreme Court, Covid-19 and social justice, coastal state legislatures this week decided more important matters were at hand.
  • COVID-19 – and avoiding COVID 20, 21, etc.
    China needs to come before the world and give us an explanation of what happened. It needs to be with credible evidence and witnesses. Right now, it looks like the world was deliberately hit with a weapon of mass destruction, designed to inflict as much damage as possible on the entire world. I don’t know how else you can categorize what has happened this year.
  • Appeasement always fails
    Nineteen years ago, today, another enemy violated our sovereignty and killed 3,000 Americans in a despicable, cowardly act. Coming out of September 11, 2001, Americans, after a very brief period of unification (the last one we have witnessed), split into two camps – appeasers and warriors. Or, if you prefer, into Chamberlains and Churchills.
  • Culture war winners are not gracious to losers
    These are the kinds of people taking to the national stage. They have a definite agenda to change the culture for good, permanently, and everyone better get out of their way if they don’t want to get hurt.
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