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Kessler Sign Company announces expansion in Zanesville

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(Photo provided by Kessler Sign Company)
Ohio Southeast Economic Development, Press Release

Kessler Sign Company, in collaboration with JobsOhio, Ohio Southeast Economic Development (OhioSE), and the Zanesville-Muskingum County Port Authority, has announced an investment of $350,000 to expand its operations in Zanesville, creating four new jobs.

Established in 1979, Kessler Sign Company is a leading sign maker in the state, operating from a 50,000 square foot facility where they provide custom fabrication, painting, printing and routing services for commercial and industrial clients.

“We’re grateful for the opportunity presented by JobsOhio, OhioSE, and the Zanesville-Muskingum County Port Authority. The grant helped our initiative of updating our print operations with expanded capabilities and efficiencies,” said Jeff Ball, CEO of Kessler Sign Company. “We appreciate the efforts of Bradley Peoples and his team throughout the qualification process.”

With this investment, the company plans to renovate and update its facility and purchase new equipment, including a flatbed printer. The expansion will increase production speed and allow the company to access larger markets.

“We are thrilled to see Kessler Sign Company’s investment in new equipment in Zanesville,” said Matt Abbott, former Executive Director of the Zanesville-Muskingum County Port Authority. “Kessler Sign Company’s commitment to efficiency and cutting-edge technology will make them even more competitive in their market.”

This investment is supported by a $25,000 JobsOhio Small Business Grant. The JobsOhio Small Business Grant provides grants to support the growth of small businesses that face unique challenges because they are either located in a qualifying ZIP code or are owned by an eligible population, which includes minorities, women, veterans and people with disabilities. To qualify the company must have an eligible project and meet business size and industry requirements.

“We are thrilled to see another business growing in Muskingum County,” said OhioSE Vice President Katy Farber. “We applaud Kessler Sign Company for its decision to invest and grow in our region.”

Ohio Southeast Economic Development (OhioSE) is the JobsOhio Network Partner for southern, eastern, and southeastern Ohio, providing economic development work and resources in 25 rural counties. Geographically the largest of the seven regions across the state, OhioSE partners closely with regional development districts, local economic development offices, state agencies, and other entities to expand, retain and attract businesses in the counties they serve. Learn more at

JobsOhio, Ohio's private nonprofit economic development corporation, enhances company growth and personnel development through business attraction, retention, and expansion across 10 competitive industry sectors. With a team of seasoned professionals, JobsOhio utilizes a comprehensive network to foster talent production in targeted industries and attract talent through Find Your Ohio. Collaborating with seven regional partners, including Dayton Development Coalition, Lake to River Economic Development, Ohio Southeast Economic Development, One Columbus, REDI Cincinnati, Regional Growth Partnership, and Team NEO, JobsOhio delivers world-class customer service to provide companies with a competitive advantage. Learn more at Follow JobsOhio on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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