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Blanchester man sentenced on drug charges in 2 Highland County cases

Caitlin Forsha, The Highland County Press

A Blanchester man was sentenced to prison recently on charges stemming from two separate Highland County Task Force investigations.

Robert Boltenhouse, 57, was indicted in November and charged with two counts of aggravated trafficking in methamphetamine, one third-degree and one fourth-degree felony; and two counts of aggravated possession of methamphetamine, one third-degree and one fifth-degree felony.

According to court records, Boltenhouse pleaded guilty in January to the third-degree felony count of aggravated trafficking in methamphetamine, with the remaining charges dismissed.

For that charge, it is alleged that on or about June 11, 2024, a confidential informant working with the HCTF arranged to purchase “an eight-ball” of meth from Boltenhouse at a Hillsboro residence. Boltenhouse sold what later tested positive as 3.12 grams of meth to the CI.

During a sentencing hearing in February, Highland County Prosecutor Anneka Collins advised that this alleged incident occurred while Boltenhouse was under post-released control for an unrelated case. In October 2022, Boltenhouse was sentenced to three years of community control after pleading guilty to aggravated trafficking in a fentanyl-related compound, a third-degree felony; and permitting drug abuse, a fifth-degree felony.

Highland County Common Pleas Court Judge Rocky Coss sentenced Boltenhouse to 18 months of prison in the 2024 case, with one day of jail time credit. Boltenhouse was ordered to pay $100 in restitution to the Task Force.

Coss additionally sentenced Boltenhouse to one year in prison on the 2022 case, to be served consecutively to the 2024 sentence, for a total of two and a half years in prison. In that case, Boltenhouse had 15 days of jail time credit.

Boltenhouse was admitted into the Correctional Reception Center Feb. 14, according to the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.

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