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Leesburg Masonic Lodge to host pancake breakfast April 12

Submitted Article

The Leesburg Masonic Lodge #78 will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast at their Lodge on Saturday, April 12.

The breakfast will run from 8 a.m. until noon and will feature a menu of pancakes, biscuits & gravy and sausage, with coffee, milk and juice.

The Lodge is located at 364 West Main Street in Leesburg, and the membership looks forward to seeing you. This event is donation-based, with no set price for the breakfast.

The Lodge had been challenged by Jason Potts, Greenfield Middle School Principal, to help send students in eighth grade to Washington D.C.

“We're a charitable organization with deep ties to the community, and when someone asks for assistance, we're ready to step in,” said Brian Vance, the event chair.

Ohio Freemasonry is a thriving Brotherhood of more than 60,000 men in over 400 lodges throughout the state. Men from virtually every city and village are quietly improving their own lives and making a difference in the lives of others — like minded men of integrity who genuinely care about each other, who are loyal and honor bound to help those in distress and to live by the Masonic values of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

There are three local Lodges in Highland County – Hillsboro, Leesburg and Lynchburg who each serve the people of the county in their own ways.

For more information about the Masons, visit

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