Whiteoak Cross Country Summer Schedule
Any Whiteoak student in grades 7-12 that are interested in running cross country this fall can attend these optional workouts.
Monday 7/5, Wed 7/7, Friday 7/9, Monday 7/12, Wed 7/14, Friday 7/16, Monday 7/19, Tues 7/20, Monday 7/26 Wed 7/28
All workouts are at Whiteoak High School and will last from 10-11 a.m.[[In-content Ad]]
Monday 7/5, Wed 7/7, Friday 7/9, Monday 7/12, Wed 7/14, Friday 7/16, Monday 7/19, Tues 7/20, Monday 7/26 Wed 7/28
All workouts are at Whiteoak High School and will last from 10-11 a.m.[[In-content Ad]]