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Vance: Biden playing Russian roulette with U.S. economy

The Highland County Press - Staff Photo - Create Article

By U.S. Sen. JD Vance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Note: U.S. Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) delivered remarks this week with Senate Republicans regarding the ongoing debt ceiling negotiations.

House Republicans have done something very simple, but I think very profound: They've advanced a program that pays the country's debts while putting the country on a more sustainable path financially. And what Joe Biden has done is refuse to negotiate from the very beginning. He's basically playing Russian roulette with the country's finances and telling Republicans they need to do exactly what he wants them to do or he's going to drive the American economy off the cliff.
What Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans just did is save the president of the United States from his own failure of leadership. This could have been a very productive process if Joe Biden from the get-go had shown some leadership, which is what you should expect from the president of the United States.
Instead, he put it all on House Republicans to come to negotiate a deal. And that's exactly what they did. 

The last thing I want to say, I echo everybody's comments from earlier, the last thing I want to say is I've heard a lot of criticisms from Democrats about things they don't like in this package. 

I guarantee you, all 217 Republicans who voted for it didn't like at least one thing in the package, But they came together because paying the country's debts and doing our job as leadership is more important than any single person.

Joe Biden should take a cue from Congressional Republicans, show some leadership, and come to the table.

The country needs him to do exactly that.

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