The Thanksgiving holiday is one of the busiest travel times of the year. With travel numbers predicted to break records, a lot of people will be on the roads and in the air during the next few days. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) partnered with the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSP) and Dayton International Airport (DAY) for a press event Monday to share travel information with motorists.
With snow in the forecast for Thursday, Ohio Department of Transportation crews are making sure trucks, drivers and equipment are ready to safely roll across the state.
On Thursday, Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Transportation Director Pamela Boratyn announced more than $12 million is being invested to aid communities with fixing or replacing aging bridges on local roads.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Director Pamela Boratyn Wednesday announced an investment of $63 million dedicated to projects that improve roadway safety.
Ten projects from state departments of transportation in Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota and Wisconsin won top prizes in the regional 2024 America’s Transportation Awards competition.
Governor Mike DeWine Friday announced that Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Director Jack Marchbanks will step down as director on Sept. 30, 2024, and that Pamela Vest Boratyn will be nominated to serve as ODOT director beginning Oct. 1, 2024.
Governor Mike DeWine Wednesday announced that the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is now distributing 1.4 million copies of Ohio’s new state map highlighting the “Ohio, The Heart of it All” tourism brand.
Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague Wednesday announced a credit rating upgrade from Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P) to AA+ for Ohio’s Major New State Infrastructure Project Revenue Bonds.
Ohio EPA and the Ohio Department of Transportation recently announced more than $9.7 million in grants will be awarded to four local transit authorities to replace 23 aging diesel transit buses.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Director Jack Marchbanks Monday announced new recommendations to improve safety and traffic flow on a heavily traveled section of U.S. 23 between Columbus and Toledo.
The Ohio Department of Transportation confirms that one of its employees was killed in a tragic work zone incident on state Route 60 in Muskingum County on Friday, June 7.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine joined Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) Superintendent Col. Charles Jones and Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Director Jack Marchbanks to announce a new initiative to reduce crashes in work zones.
The message from state officials was clear: Come early, stay late for last week’s solar eclipse. New data shows that most people did just that, avoiding the post-eclipse gridlock other states experienced.
The Ohio Department of Transportation’s Transportation Review Advisory Council (TRAC) has approved investing $127.3 million for 18 major transportation projects in 13 counties over the next four years.
The Ohio Department of Transportation’s Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) Center recently received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fly a large drone over a portion of the U.S. 33 corridor northwest of Columbus. This special permission was needed to operate an uncrewed aircraft beyond the pilot’s sight, typically referred to as beyond visual line of sight, or BVLOS, operations.