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  • Ghost stories from where I grew up, Part V

    Ladies and gentlemen, as I write this, it’s the 126th anniversary of the day that John C. Brown was shot and mortally wounded at the Parker House in uptown Hillsboro.
  • Ghost stories from where I grew up, Part V
    Ladies and gentlemen, as I write this, it’s the 126th anniversary of the day that John C. Brown was shot and mortally wounded at the Parker House in uptown Hillsboro.
  • Ghost stories from where I grew up, Part III
    Ladies and gentlemen, around noon on Saturday, Aug. 4, 1888, John Brown was sitting in front of the Parker House Hotel in uptown Hillsboro. He was talking to a friend.
  • Ghost stories from where I grew up, Part III
    Ladies and gentlemen, around noon on Saturday, Aug. 4, 1888, John Brown was sitting in front of the Parker House Hotel in uptown Hillsboro. He was talking to a friend.
  • Ghost stories from where I grew up, Part I
    Standing outside a two-story farmhouse a few miles west of Hillsboro, a group of more than a dozen people pose for a family portrait. The men are wearing suits; the ladies have on their dresses. A mother standing on a walk-out balcony above the front porch positions her young toddler on the railing.
  • Ghost stories from where I grew up, Part I
    Standing outside a two-story farmhouse a few miles west of Hillsboro, a group of more than a dozen people pose for a family portrait. The men are wearing suits; the ladies have on their dresses. A mother standing on a walk-out balcony above the front porch positions her young toddler on the railing.
  • Springtime, diamond stars and works of art
    I wrote a column last year about the player that fans voted “Greatest Red Who Ever Lived” back in 1969 and Joe Morgan once called “The best of us all.” Following that trip down memory lane, HCP Publisher Rory Ryan told me he had heard a story about how Edd Roush was once ejected from a game for sleeping in the outfield. It’s 100 percent true.
  • Springtime, diamond stars and works of art
    I wrote a column last year about the player that fans voted “Greatest Red Who Ever Lived” back in 1969 and Joe Morgan once called “The best of us all.” Following that trip down memory lane, HCP Publisher Rory Ryan told me he had heard a story about how Edd Roush was once ejected from a game for sleeping in the outfield. It’s 100 percent true.
  • The more things change...
    Get this: Life is a test for something worthwhile; it is not a test that can be easily passed. The test is aimed to try out the mettle you’re made of; you can’t “soldier” through; you can’t “lay down” on your job and come in with the winners.
  • The more things change...
    Get this: Life is a test for something worthwhile; it is not a test that can be easily passed. The test is aimed to try out the mettle you’re made of; you can’t “soldier” through; you can’t “lay down” on your job and come in with the winners.
  • From milk cows to Cooperstown
    You would probably guess the main reason Edd Roush is my favorite Red is because of his surname (or that we’re distantly related); but more than anything, it’s because that was one of the first times my Granddad sat me down and told me stories of days gone by. And until he passed away in 2006, my Granddad told me so many priceless stories, stories I cherish … and times I miss.
  • O'er the land of the 'me'
    I could be totally wrong, but I fear if the land of the free keeps morphing into the land of the “me,” it won’t be long before the America of tomorrow looks nothing like the America of today or yesterday.
  • I'll tell you what's ridiculous...
    I thought this was the United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Today, we have freedom of choice in certain areas, but not in others. You can abort a living baby, but can’t legally buy a “venti” mocha latte in NYC? Now that’s ridiculous.
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