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HCAC prepares for spring soccer signups

HCAC spring 2012 soccer sign-ups will be held Saturdays, Feb. 18, Feb. 25 and March 3 from noon to 2 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church Gymnasium, 119 East Walnut Street, Hillsboro. The sign-up deadline will be April 2 (after this date, your child will be put on a waiting list for a teams).

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 There will be an equipment swap on these days as well. If you have any old cleats, shin pads or other soccer equipment you would like to get rid of, please bring them when you sign up.

The cost will be $30 for ages 4-8, Instructional and Passers (non-traveling) or $40 for ages 9 and up (Wings and Kickers) If you do not have an application, they can be picked up one from the box at the Liberty Park Concession stand. Please bring a completed form (front and back) along with a copy of your child's birth certificate and payment to sign ups or mail to HCAC, P.O. Box 771, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133.

Please call 937-763-5032 with questions.

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