WHS performs 'Ace of Diamonds'
The Whiteoak Drama Club/Thespian Troupe 6931 presents “Ace of Diamonds” by T. James Belich on Nov. 20-21. The play is produced in cooperation with Big Dog Publishing. Cast includes: Tim Graybeal as Jack Baron; Kasey Sullivan as Kendra White; Tyler Jones as Guy Whitley; Mindy Rodgers as Cynthia Opal; Dakota Sobotka as Blake Howard; and Destinee Godby as Tara Reed. The Crew members include: Destiny Nace, Stage Manager; Assistant Stage Manager and Props, Nathan Jeffers; Set Designer, Daniel Miller; Costume Designer, Maria Brewer; Makeup, Alli Jeffries and Maria Brewer; House Manager and Publicity, Stephanie Stewart. Stage Crew: Tate Chambers, Dillon Rich, and Cole Lane, and construction by Ben Ruark. Ticket prices will be: $6 for adults and $4 for students. This performance will be at Whiteoak High School in the old gym on Nov. 20-21 at 7 p.m. Bring a can of food and get $1 off ticket price. Whiteoak Drama Club says “thanks, and we hope to have a full house on both nights of the production!”[[In-content Ad]]