Waw-wil-a-way Chapter of DAR welcomes new members; donates to SOPC

Pictured (l-r) are Caroline Siemers, who presented the program and is the mother of both new members; Morgan Pence and Meredith Pence Zornes, new members; and Elissa Zornes, Regent. (Submitted photos)
The Waw-wil-a-way Chapter of the DAR installed two new members at the August meeting.
They were Morgan Pence and Meredith Pence Zornes, daughters of member Caroline Siemers. Their patriot was Michael Pence. New member Sandra Simbro was not in attendance.
Siemers gave an important presentation on emergency information everyone should have available. She gave a checklist and a red bag to hold the items to place in a handy area.
We also recognized two new CAR (Children of American Revolution) members, Riley Pence and Emory Zornes.
The Southern Ohio Pregnancy Center was the service project this month. Members contributed diapers, wipes, baby wash and lotion. We signed Christmas cards to be taken to the Georgetown Veterans Home in December.
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