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Study group begins Oct. 6 at ReaLife Church

Starting Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m., ReaLife Church will begin an eight-session study group called Life’s Healing Choices, as part of the Celebrate Victory program they hold every Tuesday night.
    The Life Healing Choices curriculum is designed to help people overcome their hurts, hang ups, and habits through the study of Jesus’ first sermon – traditionally called the sermon on the mount.
    This eight-week course will discuss topics including: Admitting need, Getting help, Letting go, Coming clean, Making changes, Repairing relationships, Maintaining momentum, and Recycling pain. ReaLife Church is located at 7454 Fenner Lane, Hillsboro (turn by Wendy’s on Route 138, go about one mile). Fenner Lane is on the right, and the church is on the left just after you turn onto Fenner Lane. Coffee and refreshments are always served. Come and let Christ make the difference in your life. Any questions about this group discussion please call Skip at 393-1094.[[In-content Ad]]

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