Retired Teachers to meet May 6
The Highland County Retired Teachers’ Association (HCRTA) will hold its regular spring meeting on Monday, May 6, at the Hillsboro Church of Christ fellowship hall.
The church is located at 155 W. Walnut Street, Hillsboro.
Social time will begin at 11:15 a.m. and the meal will be served at noon. Following lunch, Abbigail Manning, a senior from Lynchburg-Clay High School, will discuss her upcoming trip to Europe on D-Day as part of the “All American D-Day band.”
She will be followed by guest speaker Emily Vigue, who is the Director of Outreach at the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio and Liaison for the Highland County Community Fund.
The community service project for this meeting is the Highland County Community Fund.
The business meeting will follow the presentations. The cost for the meal is $14. Please contact Treasurer Leone Bihl at (937) 393-3913 to make reservations. All retired educators are invited.