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Hillsboro Garden Club holds plant auction

By Lynn Luman
Hillsboro Garden Club

The April meeting of the Hillsboro Garden Club was brought to order by president Jennifer West. Members then recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary Lynn Luman took roll call with 15 members and five guests present answering the question, “What is your favorite spring flower?”

The April tip of the month: black plastic mulch can be an effective method of controlling weeds.

After the conclusion of the treasurer’s report by Ruth Anna Duff, the business meeting was temporarily suspended for refreshments, followed by a fun and lively plant auction conducted by Shelly Rayburn, assisted by Luman and West. After the bidding, both members and guests had many new plants for their outdoor landscape.

The fall plant auction will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m.

Continuing with the business meeting, Connie Hilliard passed out Hosta starts along with an information sheet for garden club members to grow and exhibit at the Highland County Fair.

West then updated the group on the garden club library event, which was held on Thursday, April 18, thanking Larry Moore and Luman for helping her give the presentation.

West made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Luman.

The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, May 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the floral hall at the Highland County Fairgrounds.

As always, the public is welcome to attend.

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Rene R Baker (not verified)

12 May 2024

Hello, I have a piece of art signed Kathryn A Zane "07" of roses. It was acquired by mother when she had an antique shop in the 1970s. I have been curious about the artist and came across her name in your garden club. I am fairly certain that she was from Ohio as my mom lived in Ohio and went looking for antiques all over the state. Was Kathryn an artist ? I am just curious, as I love the piece dearly.
Thank you, Rene Baker

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