Happy New Year, Valentine's Day
Lead Summary
Chinese New Year 2010 begins on Valentine’s Day Feb. 14 and No. 1 China Buffet on North High Street in Hillsboro is ready for the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Jacky Wu and their children Angel and Eric (pictured at right) are gracious hosts and welcome everyone to join in the celebration. Pictured above, Carina-May of the Shoe Station on West Main Street and a friend, Xing Yang of Wilmington, pose for a photo with Jacky, Judy and Eric. The Chinese calendar consists of both Gregorian and lunar-solar calendar systems. This is the Year of the Tiger (Geng Yin). No. 1 China Buffet, owned by the Wu family since 2004, is open daily. Their telephone number is 393-2338.[[In-content Ad]]