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Hamilton reunion held in Lynchburg

The annual Hamilton reunion was held Aug. 9 at Lynchburg-Clay Middle School. There were 46 family members present. Those in attendance were as follows: Connie Butts and Adam Hill of Hillsboro; Amber Hill, Brooklyn Jefferson, Troy Edminsten, and Brittany Minton, all of Seaman; Eleanor
Ellis and Doug Conley of Centerville; Dwight and Shirley Creek of Sugar Tree Ridge; Pam Skinner, Aiyonna Skinner, and Taylor Skinner of Hillsboro; Judy Spence and Isiah Lainhart of West Union; Floyd and Peggy Hamilton of Greenfield; Russell and Dorothy Hamilton, Johnny Hamilton, Rhonda Deer, and Austin and Ben Godbey, all of Lynchburg; Billy and Brenda Hamilton of Kentucky; Ken and Bev Sams and Steven Sams of Sardinia; Dennis and Barbara Fisher, Joe and Bethany Griffith, Ian and Justus Griffith of Martinsville; Jessica Hafer, Nolle and Liam of Cincinnati; Roma Hamilton, Donna and Bill Meyers, Randy and Rita Hamilton, Roni and Aubrey Burton, all of Hillsboro; Rod Hamilton of Loveland.[[In-content Ad]]

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