Garden Club holds November meeting and program
By Lynn Luman
Hillsboro Garden Club
President Jennifer West brought the November meeting of the Hillsboro Garden Club to order, followed by members reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary Lynn Luman took roll call with members answering the question, “How are you using plants and flowers in your holiday décor?”
The November tip of the month is as follows: The number one problem in gardening is putting a $5 plant into a 50-cent hole. For those that missed it, the October tip of the month was as follows: Never go to a doctor whose plants have died.
Member Helen Roe exhibited many beautiful varieties of succulents for the horticulture and floral presentation of the meeting. Some of the varieties included: Thanksgiving cactus, desert escape, hobbit, wavy jade, and echeveria. Did you know that coffee grounds could aid the pH balance of succulents to help their growth?
Opening with old business, Luman shared exciting news on the partnership with the Highland County District Library for the 2024 Seed Exchange program, which will run from Saturday, March 2, 2024 through Saturday, March 16, 2024 at the main library in Hillsboro. The seed exchange is meant to encourage gardening for food and pollinators. The seed exchange will include flowers (both annual and perennial), herbs, as well as fruits and vegetables. Member Judith Stivender volunteered to create an information flier on the garden club to include at the seed exchange.
To open new business, West provided the treasurer’s report in the absence of Ruth Anna Duff.
In addition, Larry Moore announced that the annual Christmas party would now be held on Tuesday, Dec. 19 at Ponderosa Steakhouse in Hillsboro at 6 p.m. for dinner and gift exchange.
For the educational portion of the meeting, West presented an attention-getting program on vermiculture, which is the process of composting using worms. West provided an educational handout of the process of vermiculture and the many benefits to flowers and vegetable gardens.
Luman made a motion to adjourn the meeting, with the second provided by Stivender.
Hostesses Nancy Sonner and Andrea Schneider furnished refreshments.
To learn more about the Hillsboro Garden Club, find our page on Facebook.