Enhanced Community Living services
Suzanne Hopkins-
The Sunshine Band will provide musical entertainment prior to the luncheon. Following the meal Shelly Graeber and Dwight Smith from Western & Southern will present a free identity theft seminar. This fun interactive seminar will help show you ways to protect you identity. Dwight will tell you the different ways people get your identity, how they use it and what you need to do in order to correct things if you become a victim.
As an added bonus, Shelly will be giving out a free paper shredder at the event. For those who are current clients of Western & Southern, Shelly will be available 15-20 minutes afterward to talk to anyone who has any concerns regarding their current policies and would want to set up an appointment for a later date to go over their information.
Enhanced Community Living: Providing services in a new way
Effective statewide Sept. 1, a new service, Enhanced Community Living (ECL), will be available under the PASSPORT Medicaid Waiver program.
The service promotes aging in place by offering tenants of multi-family, affordable housing communities on site access to a range of interventions that will help meet established health goals and proactively manage chronic health conditions.
ECL services are personalized, consumer-focused and outcome-based. The goals are to help a consumer to remain in his or her home longer, to reduce the need of nursing home usage and to decrease inappropriate or avoidable hospitalizations or emergency room use.
An ECL consumer can expect to be an active participant in goal setting and management of the person’s chronic health conditions. The consumer will have access to services multiple times a day, for shorter time periods, and the services will be delivered by a designated team of nurses and direct care staff.
ECL is different from other PASSPORT services, specifically personal care and assisted living. Personal care services focus on providing hands-on assistance, in scheduled amounts of time, to compensate for functional deficits in activities of daily living (ADLs). Assisted Living service provides 24-hour access to staff and services in a licensed setting.
When a PASSPORT consumer chooses the ECL service, a case manager will work with the consumer to develop a care plan to meet the consumer’s health goals.
The consumer is an active participant in setting the goals and is engaged in managing his or her own health care. ECL provides necessary services, such as personal care, daily wellness checks and chronic disease education, in a more flexible format for smaller amounts of time.
ECL is available to PASSPORT waiver participants who reside in an eligible, multi-family affordable housing community, being served by a PASSPORT ECL provider.
Not every multi-family affordable housing community in the state will have a provider who is serving the building. In addition, the consumer must have assessed needs that can be met with ECL.
If a PASSPORT waiver participant is interested in the ECL service, the individual should contact his case manager, who will complete an assessment of the waiver participant’s needs.
Contact the Area Agency on Aging District 7 at 1-800-582-7277 more information about Enhanced Community Living service in your area.[[In-content Ad]]
As an added bonus, Shelly will be giving out a free paper shredder at the event. For those who are current clients of Western & Southern, Shelly will be available 15-20 minutes afterward to talk to anyone who has any concerns regarding their current policies and would want to set up an appointment for a later date to go over their information.
Enhanced Community Living: Providing services in a new way
Effective statewide Sept. 1, a new service, Enhanced Community Living (ECL), will be available under the PASSPORT Medicaid Waiver program.
The service promotes aging in place by offering tenants of multi-family, affordable housing communities on site access to a range of interventions that will help meet established health goals and proactively manage chronic health conditions.
ECL services are personalized, consumer-focused and outcome-based. The goals are to help a consumer to remain in his or her home longer, to reduce the need of nursing home usage and to decrease inappropriate or avoidable hospitalizations or emergency room use.
An ECL consumer can expect to be an active participant in goal setting and management of the person’s chronic health conditions. The consumer will have access to services multiple times a day, for shorter time periods, and the services will be delivered by a designated team of nurses and direct care staff.
ECL is different from other PASSPORT services, specifically personal care and assisted living. Personal care services focus on providing hands-on assistance, in scheduled amounts of time, to compensate for functional deficits in activities of daily living (ADLs). Assisted Living service provides 24-hour access to staff and services in a licensed setting.
When a PASSPORT consumer chooses the ECL service, a case manager will work with the consumer to develop a care plan to meet the consumer’s health goals.
The consumer is an active participant in setting the goals and is engaged in managing his or her own health care. ECL provides necessary services, such as personal care, daily wellness checks and chronic disease education, in a more flexible format for smaller amounts of time.
ECL is available to PASSPORT waiver participants who reside in an eligible, multi-family affordable housing community, being served by a PASSPORT ECL provider.
Not every multi-family affordable housing community in the state will have a provider who is serving the building. In addition, the consumer must have assessed needs that can be met with ECL.
If a PASSPORT waiver participant is interested in the ECL service, the individual should contact his case manager, who will complete an assessment of the waiver participant’s needs.
Contact the Area Agency on Aging District 7 at 1-800-582-7277 more information about Enhanced Community Living service in your area.[[In-content Ad]]