2024 Highland County 4-H Summer Judging Awards: Clothing & Textiles special award winners announced
Pictured are (front, l-r) Ava Hamilton (Master Clothing Educators of Ohio Junior Category) and Addy Ackley (Rising Star); and (back, l-r) Sydney Hamilton (Ohio 4-H Fashion Review Award), Kathryn Ogden (Harbage Family 4-H Clothing Award) and Kallie Posey (Ohio 4-H Consumer Award). Not pictured: Leah Robinson (Katherine E. Daye Award for Excellence in Clothing & Textiles). (Photo courtesy of Kathy Bruynis)
The 2024 Highland County 4-H Summer Awards Ceremony and Style Revue were held July 16 at Southern State Community College.
Special Clothing & Textile awards included:
• Katherine E. Daye Award for Excellence in Clothing & Textiles: Leah Robinson (Marshall Jr. Farmers)
• Rising Star: Addy Ackley (Greene Countrie Farm Hands), Sew Fun
• Ohio 4-H Consumer Clothing Award: Kallie Posey (Greene Countrie Farm Hands), Look Great for Less
• Master Clothing Educators of Ohio - Junior Category: Ava Hamilton (Greene Countrie Farm Hands), Clothing for Middle School
• Ohio 4-H Fashion Revue Award: Sydney Hamilton (Highland County Poultry, Pigs and Lambs), Outerwear for Anywhere
• Highland County’s State Fashion Board Representative: Kallie Posey (Greene Countrie Farm Hands), Look Great for Less
• Harbage Family 4-H Clothing Award: Kathryn Ogden (Concord Jr. Farmers), Clothing for High School.
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